Friday, October 22, 2010

Let's set the scene: Act 1, Scene 1, GO Bus, East Gwillimbury

Narrated By: Stephanie B.
Comments in italics courtesy of Yours Truly (CJ "CRaZyTRaiN" Smith)

Cue clucking hens!

This has got to be one of the most ignorant conversations I have ever participated in and I felt the need to share.

Last night, I'm on the GO Bus home to "East G."

I changed it to "East G." because I like how ghetto that sounds. The GO Bus in question will now be referred to as the "ghetto sled".

The bus ghetto sled is packed, but not to the rafters. I listen to these two women b*tch and moan the whole way to Aurora about one of them having to stand, including the woman who is sitting near her who had to stand last night.

Finally, after the woman who has a seat feels she has complained enough, she tells the other woman who is standing that she should call and complain to GO about having to stand, I can't take it anymore. I pipe up and say "Complaining to GO will make no difference, so stop complaining and deal with it. That's just the way it is."

The woman sitting then responded back with, "Well, I pay so much money for this to ride to Aurora, and I shouldn't have to stand ... ever. GO should provide another bus for us who have to stand or refund our money."

I shot back with, "That is not a cost effective solution, and complaining about it won't make it ANY better!"

I heard her mutter "B*tch." under her breath.

Nice. Who the heck does she think she is?

Seriously? You ride to Aurora, and you have a seat. Stop complaining!

This is also coming from the same woman who made the rest of us wait for her on the platform while she was paying for her ticket with pennies and then she STOOD in the aisle sorting her "stuff" out while people were trying to get by her for five minutes. She actually elbowed every person who squeezed by her!


  1. I agree with her. You pay to ride the bus/train, you should get a seat.

    The elbowing has got to go though.

  2. I think it's the fact these 2 ladies feel they had to project their misery onto others that's annoying to Stephanie.

    Misery may love company but not everyone will want to hear the violins play.

    Seating has always been first come/first serve on all transit systems. GO offers no such thing as a seating policy other than being obligated to enforce priority seating due to accessibility/disability laws.

    Perhaps these ladies were protesting too much and others just wanted to ride in silence?

  3. Original writer here...
    With regards to the first comment, on that bus, if you're not there 15 minutes prior to boarding, you run the risk of not getting a seat, no matter if you paid for it or not. The way I looked at it is, the woman who complained the most had a seat. She should have been quiet, and not gotten the rest of the standing riders into a tizzy. That's just unfair. GO won't provide another bus for 20 standing people and there are no seating guarantees.
    As for the elbowing, yes I agree, that needs to stop especially when she elbowed me in my obviously pregnant stomach. Then the whole complaining thing just made it worse.

    Joe, yes, I completely agree with you, no one really wants to hear the complaining. I believe that people who complain like that are just that way and she had to project her misery onto everyone else that night even though she had a seat.

    As for this: Seating has always been first come/first serve on all transit systems. GO offers no such thing as a seating policy other than being obligated to enforce priority seating due to accessibility/disability laws.
    Exactly! The bus driver who was driving that night told me on the way up to EG after Crazy Lady got off that exact same thing. Most people either don't care or don't know that. No one is 'entitled' to a seat unless you are pregnant, elderly or have a disabilty (wheelchair, cane etc). I've actually been on buses before where some woman is begging men for a seat because she's a woman. And my other favourite is the time a kid said he was drunk and wanted a seat. He didn't get one.


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