Um, yeah. Ok then.
This machine is located near the GO Transit Customer Service office near the Bay Street entrance.
I did a quick scan for another balance checker but didn't see one. It's hard when there's a thousand people in the concourse. Is there a reason why no one at Presto thought to paint these machines RED so that they stand apart from the OTHER green Presto readers? Or how about GO suspend a sign that reads "Check Presto Balance Here". Brilliant, right? What if I'm a "little person" and stand only as tall as the machine itself?
Hey, how about a bright yellow colour the whole way down the machine? This way I don't have to run around like a cockroach with its head cut off trying to get a card balance as I rush to catch my train to my job in Mississauga.
Submitted by Fred to cj@thiscrazytrain.com
Actually Fred, the balance checker outside the Oakville GO station is now yellow, a recent change. Maybe they are in the process of updating all the machines. For several days I tapped on using the machine in Oakville. Luckily the GO cops didn't check my ticket. I thought the same as you, why don't they make these a different colour so riders know the difference.
The balance checker in the York St teamway is also yellow. I think Presto have realised the white colour is too similar, and changign things over to yellow. (Red would be confusing to teh colour-blind).
Hey Tom, anonadude, well good to know that someone has realized that making the balance checker a different colour or visually different is a step in the right direction.
I'm a visual kind of guy. I date in the same fashion. I know what I want in the first 3 seconds. I try to apply this rule in all facets of my life but my best friend is a little person and I'm telling you, there's no way he'll find a Presto machine in a crowd.
They need more Presto Machines. There are NONE on the east side of Union in the outdoor concourse. I have to go all the way into Union to find one.
All Presto readers/checkers should have some sort of sign above them as high as the ceiling allows. It should just be the Presto logo with an arrow pointing down - nothing fancy.
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