I was on the 10:13 Union-Oshawa Friday night. Shortly before departure, a young man entered the bathroom and closed the door, but didn't lock it. Two to three minutes later, a young woman came along and nonchalantly entered the bathroom. Nonchalantly for her maybe. Once we reached Scarborough and no one had exited the bathroom yet, this guy moved closer to the action.
Does he not know that Adult Video stores have viewing rooms? With full video.
Wait, there's more ...
It's not what you think. Once we came into Oshawa, I stayed on the train while others debarked. Eventually, after the announcement that the train was reversing course was broadcast, TweedleDope and TweedleDoob exited the bathroom. Both seemed surprised to see me.
I said nothing because Mary Jane spoke for me.
see, there IS a corridor club!
there is a DOPE corridor club.
Probably makes the ride seem like it takes *forever*! I think I'd choose LSD over weed for the GO. At least make the annoyances interesting.
Just look at how intent this guy is on seeing what those two were up to.
Hilarious! :)
Too funny? He might of been hoping to get the "risidual high"!
Hotboxing on the GO!
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