
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Parking at Mimico GO. Jabba style.

You're probably wondering why the donkey who owns this Volvo needs three parking spaces to park, especially in a lot that is full by 7:15 am, says the person who snapped this photo.

This is why:

Jabba The Hutt needs a place to park, too, you know. Jabba also drives a RH-drive vehicle. He's "euro" like that.


kristin said...

Ok... lol for sure but you know what would have been funnier? if you had put a presto card in his hand.

Angela said...

The prologue to this is a desperate turnip wedged themeselves between the Volvo and my car, which was on the left. There was 4" between his driver door and my passenger side, so I assume he crawled out his hatchback. Mimico parking. Serious business.