Thursday, February 17, 2011

Psst... perfume is the foot rider's kryptonite

Donna writes in a text message (to 9054427423):

Tonight, I get on the train and purposely sit beside this chick who has her bags on the seat across from her and has her running shoe perched on the same seat. She suddenly stands up and proclaims "I have to move! You're wearing way too much perfume!" To which I responded "Oh well, sorry". She stands and says, "Where am I going to sit now?" (The train is half empty) then sits in the quad adjacent to me but not before telling the guy across from her that I am wearing too much perfume.

This is perfume I sprayed at 7 this morning, more than 10 hours ago.
She should quit her dayjob and join the fox hunt.


  1. I moved last week because of a woman's horrible perfume. 7:15 is too early to be bombarded with perfume, let alone something cheap-smelling. But I didn't make a production about it. I just moved to another seat. She didn't even know, because I sit in the 2-seater and she was in a quad with her back to me. Man she stunk.

  2. the worst is the sickly-sweet smelling stuff

  3. perfume is nice what are you talking about.


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