From: Paul
Date: Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 7:10 PM
To: cj@thiscrazytrain.com
Hi CJ –
Just had to drop you a note to say I really enjoy your blog.
Thought you might enjoy these photos which I took on a trip to Italy last fall. Their commuter trains are remarkably like GO’s, but have some added features like semi-openable windows and computer monitors that update you on where you are, how fast you are going, and whether the loo is free.
If you think the GO can get crazy, check out these video clips …..seems the Florence football team was playing in Genoa. These guys were on the way to the game and were getting ready…..Heineken, cigars, joints, you name it. As they passed each stop they would open the windows and shout out raunchy insulting songs to the folks in each town. They were a lot of fun.
Enjoy, and keep up the great stuff!

As if GO commuters don't complain enough already-can you imagine the chaos semi-operational windows would cause?
Anyway GO peeps, (I'll call you peeps even though I've already revealed that I ignore all my fellow GO commuters) I'm off to Aruba for 9 days. Now that my Feb commuting is complete, I see by my presto balance that I paid approx $34 less this month than I would have, had I bought a monthly pass.
Which reminds me, yesterday the fare checker pointed out to a regular commuter that her presto hadn't been tapped since Feb 16th. Five days of free rides! The rider just shrugged it off, saying she keeps forgetting. LOL. Sorry I keep forgetting to pay my Rogers bill, is that a problem?
Nice! Have a good time in Aruba!
I like the part where the trains are electrified.
I like the retractable arm rest. Now the dirty turnips who usually take the courtesy seating could just take up two normal seats.
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