
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Like pushing a watermelon through a straw

These are earbud headphones.

Take a look at the size of Uncle's thumb when compared to the size of the earbuds.

Who designed these at RIM? Yes, they came with his Blackberry.


Al said...

I dont get the point, are you trying to say there is some corellation to the size of your thumbs and the diamater of the ear canal?
Doesit really matter how big they are compared to his thumbs? as long as they fit in his ear right?

C.J. Smith said...

They barely fit. They're huge.

Donna said...

so I guess the analogy of "big thumbs = big ears" is incorrect then? ;)
Apple has the worst earhones. they are the shit. You spend all that money on an iPod and its better to go buy new earphones. Plus who actually uses their BB earphones anyway? (besides Uncle).

Anonymous said...

Uncle lost his. This was all he had on hand.

TomW said...

Just so we clear, we all realise that these aren't suposed to in your actual earhole, just sit outside at the bottom of your earflap, right? Because they look the same size as his thumb, and an earphone the size of my thumb would fit pefectly just outside.

(That said, I can't wear any kind of earphone that actually goes in any part of my ear... it feels like there's something there that shouldn't be. I have to wear DJ-style ear covers).

C.J. Smith said...

I like the ones the kids wear. The ones straight outta the 70s.