
Thursday, March 3, 2011

You know what sucks?

Getting off the train.

Getting coffee.

Walking to work.

Sitting down at my desk.

Finding out the cream is off.

Thanks, Mmmarvelous Mmmuffins.

Is it "em em" em-arvelous "em em" em-uffins? Or is it mmm as in "mmm, this (long-drawn out em sound) muffin is awesome!"

I guess I shouldn't expect much from a company that supposedly stutters, can I?


C.J. Smith said...

Who the hell "liked" this post?

You haters never let up.

Al said...

KP probaly liked it,

Wouldnt the turnip who added the creme have realized when it floated to the top?

KP said...

THIs iS harrassment.

Gary said...

Cream, when off, doesn't necessarily always float to the top.

Dan-1 said...

I'm wondering if that place will survive the future renovations to Union Station. It doesn't seem like a very lucrative business. Tim Hortons would surely benefit from a bigger presence down there.

KP: stop complaining and eventually everyone will quietly forget about it. The more you post about it the more people will keep teasing you about it. It's that simple.

Sue said...

At least KP keeps reading the site to see what we say about him!

Jamie said...

You really think it's the original KP? I suspect a troll.