You're talking to a woman who assembled an entire home spa with a butterknife. I've even used my teeth to tighten bolts (true story). The seat on my bike was loose once and it would twist from side to side when I would ride it, so not having a wrench/pliers/ratchet, I used my teeth to tighten the bolt. You should see me change a tire.
People begged me to create a countdown clock based on ideas I wrote out in an earlier post. The only decent photo I could find of a GO station was the Oshawa GO Station pic found on Wikipedia. I warned you, this is gonna be a hot mess.
Concept 1 (click each image to enlarge in a new window)

Concept 2 - Same image, different words

I know. Boring, right?
But you know what makes this better? Throwing Godzilla into the picture.
He's mad because he's running late and he gets on Ajax and he knows he's not getting a seat.

Then, there's the Barrie Bathroom Troll. He needs to get on to enforce some bladder control -> Background here.

Cj are you a graphic artist. Love the Godzilla picture.
I am in awe of your talents. Those are great.
Fantastic! Now if we could bribe/train Godzilla and the Troll to take care of the illegally parked vehicles....
@Taylor - that's what I would like - a photoshop of Godzilla in a parking enforcement uniform handing out tickets with Rodan as the wingman!
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