On the LSW 7:58 from Clarkson to Union this morning a woman carried on her bags plus 2 massive boxes of Girl Guide cookies (which of course required a seat to themselves). She takes this train every day with her 2 train friends and they laugh and talk loudly every morning. Today they exchanged cookies and one of the friends took some upstairs and proceeded to sell them seat-to-seat. I casually suggested she walk down to the accessibility coach and ask Desiree (yup, that's our regular CSM - not sure if that is her real name or something glamourous she chose to tell us) to make an announcement that cookies are available in car ----. My sarcasm was actually met with raucous laughter and "that's a good one!", making me party to the shenanigans. I apologize to my fellow passengers for my part in prolonging this behaviour. And for buying a box. My coworkers and I are enjoying it thoroughly...
- Submitted by KH
Who are the jerks marking this post as 'yuck'? It's girl guide cookies!!!
People who are sick of being accosted by parents looking to others to pay for thier children's activities....for gawd's sake let the children sell them, or make voluntary contributions to the organization.
Umm...does the box actually say "Now made with real Girl Guides!" or is that a Photoshop job??
Looks like Photoshop to me. It's funny. Loosen up.
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