Alan has not disclosed to me what train specifically other than he rides the Stouffville corridor.
The initial confrontation did not go well when he spoke to the woman doing the snoring. So, Alan decided to write her a note and he managed to toss it into her bag (this is impressive but if she's in a coma, I guess it wasn't hard to pull off).
Yesterday morning, the woman personally handed him a note when the train arrived at Union.
Alan writes, "She's traded her Spongebob pillow in for a neck pillow but I called her Spongebob in my note to her. I wrote 'Dear Mrs. Spongebob'... So she says, 'This is for you' and this is a hell of a guess because I never admitted in my note that I wrote it and I wrote that note weeks ago! I even wrote it anonymously. She hands me this paper and then hustles down the stairs. It's amazing... because I was the one who spoke up so she automatically fingers me. She never said anything else, just handed me the note. I've scanned it for you.

It's not worth it. It all seemed innocent at the time but now she's threatening to call the police on me. I haven't bullied her but I stood up to her because I didn't like how she felt she didn't owe it to anyone to try to make the ride in bearable. I know snoring is something a lot of people deal with but I can't deal with it.
I have now decided to take an earlier train. I really don't want to see 'Spongebob' again."
Someone wrote that many of us "shut up and put up" and I can say I sometimes do the same. You really have to know when to pick your battles when dealing with people who really don't care about that fact that they share space with others. Plus, unlike mass transit, we tend to see the same people everyday. This can make it awkward.
This woman doesn't feel she needs to change anything about her behaviour, even when confronted.
We all tend to wait for someone to say something because we don't want to be the one to say it. I still think it's pretty admirable that Alan did choose to say something. However, no one wants to be a target.
Let's look at why you really feel the way you do. Is it because she threatened to involve the police? If anyone is a bully, it's her. What on earth would she tell the police? That you wrote her a note? With no proof? Did you threaten her? She actually suggested you try suicide for God's sake.
Unless you threatened her and there's more to this story, I would not allow for this person to make you feel she has this much control over you that you actually have to change your schedule.
Surely GO Transit has a means of dealing with situations like this?
Of course snoring/sleeping is not against the law but if you know of other passengers who are bothered by her, you could form a coalition where she could be warned about her behaviour and forced to change or else lose the privilege of using the service.
She doesn't have a right to the train. Using public transit is not a constitutional right and it can be taken away.
All this over snoring?!
isn't there just a different car you can sit in on the same usual train.
get an Ipod too, everyone sucks, drown everyone out.
She sounds like an entitled, stuck up female dog.
Some people just don't have the common courtesy or are just too stupid to take a hint, especially when a set of instructions outlining said hint is given to them.
Why not pop in and make a video of her snoring?
Post it on YouTube and let people know where to find it in a Shout Out.
I will fully admit I don't have the balls to take a video. I tried to record her snoring but two attempts didn't work out.
I know I could switch cars but it's the thought of running into her on the platform that makes me cringe and I'd like to avoid her for awhile!!!
So she won....
Alan! Be. A. Man.
Wait - she kicked YOU, and then gives you a threatening letter? She's the one who should be worried about the police...
I understand Alan's fear of police involvement. Yes we have Alan's report of being kicked and a slightly theatening note, but what if she concocts some story about constant harassment on Alan's part. He's the big strong man, she's the defenceless women. What if you get some low IQ police officer who just takes her at his word.
I agree with Anon 11pm...all this for snoring. Not worth it the effort that has been put into this.
Someone needs to ressurrect Michael Landon from the dead. That Highway to Heaven dude would know what to do here.
It seems as though nobody else has taken on this woman, except for you. It's unfortunate that you put yourself out there and don't have any support, even though I recall you saying that other people were bothered as well.
Maybe you should just move on, knowing that you did something, and this woman is a loser.
I admire you for taking a stand. It's more than I would do. Yesterday morning on the Bay bus it was standing room only and this cow took up 3 seats. One for her 2 big ugly bags, and two for herself. And as if that wasn't bad enough, she was putting on nail polish all the while. Not just a touch-up, a full manicure. Sometimes I feel so disenchanted with people. What kind of person is this?
that's pathetic on both your parts. her for once again that sense of entitlement people seem to have and you for changing trains because of this stupid bully. just board a different car. seriously, what's she going to do if she sees you? hand you another note? sheesh.
@Donna - wow, either you're very passionate with your answer or your computer hiccupped a little. hee hee!
I agree with your post though. Well said.
oops sorry about that. stupid computer :)
It's pretty bonkers this woman carries a sleep mask AND a pillow, but I don't think she can help that she snores. There's a guy on the same train I like to call Turtleneck who snores violently. It's pretty unbearable but at the same time, he can't control it.
I can't believe the people who are saying she can't help snoring! She is aware that she does this and that it disturbs everyone around her. Yet she will do nothing to rectify the situation. For goodness sake it is a 7 am train, not 5 am! Go to bed earlier so you don't need to sleep so soundly on the train. Bring a coffee and crossword to keep yourself awake for the ride. Try, just try, to have a tiny drop of consideration for someone other than yourself. Why should Al or anyone else have to change their behaviour (iPod, change trains or cars)? He is not disturbuing anyone. She is a grade A bully and some of you are bystanders letting her get away with this obnoxiuos behaviour.
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