
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

All your space are belong to me

Rode the 5:10 last night.

Sat up in the upper level.

Sat a quad over from a woman who did a little shopping at the Eaton Centre I presumed.

Bags on every seat. Train fills. People, some rudely, ask if the seats are taken.

One woman gives her a dirty look. The bag lady says to the hairy eyeball lady, "Can't you sit somewhere else?"

The lady says, "This is the 5:10 express train and it's full. It's not a subway."

The bag lady looks around. People are standing. She sighs and puts all her bags under the seats.

Watching her, I was reminded of an internet meme that surfaced back in 2000. It was a flash video based on a catchphrase, "all your base are belong to us", lifted from a video game.

All I kept thinking was "all your space are belong to me".

Here's the video. Imagine it with pictures of bag riders. My bag riders. Soon, I promise.


Donna said...

I dont understand why people are so intimidated by seat hogs. i just walk up and proceed to sit down. when your ass is about to sit on their stuff, they move it quickly, trust me. I usually say "excuse me" as Im about to sit. i sure as hell dont ask them to move their crap.

Uncle said...

I have no problem picking up someones bag and throwing it on the floor for them.......actually it's more shoving it onto the floor, but it generally has the same effect.

lswgirl13 said...

I even have a problem with regular riders (who should know better!!)who have gym bags or briefcases and insist on putting them only partially under the seat. I slowly, inch by inch, slide my feet forward and push them all the way under the seat.

Anonymous said...

I love this video!