Vanessa writes:
I got on the train this morning and saw a woman cleaning her nails.
I am strangely disgusted yet fascinated at the same time. Some people have no shame!
She has "professional" manicure tools and a folded paper towel across her lap.
I can only assume she's an esthetician based on the way she is dressed and the tools she's using.
She also has a little container of water (with a lid) beside her. She occasionally opens this container and dips her fingers in it as necessary.
I blatantly stared at her when I got on like, "WTF?" but she clearly sees nothing wrong with giving herself a full manicure while on the train.
She has now fully dipped her fingers/entire hand in her container of liquid. Clearly, I have not seen it all on my train rides in to the city!
She never pulled out nail polish - thank god - but spent the entire ride picking/cutting her skin/cuticles and cleaning under her nails.

Gross, gross, gross!!
I was on the train with a lady who was filing her nails, loudly.
Everyone surrounding her was grossed out.
And no one commented?
I've never encountered a full on manicure but I have had to listen to the sound of nails being clipped. Ick!
I understand an emergency repair (lasting less than 60 seconds), but this? The train is a public space, take care of your hygiene at home. What's next, trimming nose hairs?
she has nice legs!
Mediocre at best.
Too many bruises.
There was a lot of staring and looks of disbelief, but as far as I know, no one commented.
I was tempted to say something, but that would have involved yelling across the car as I was at an opposite window. And to be honest, I didn't have the energy to cause a scene so early in the morning.
Some people have no shame. And no sense of personal space. Oh no, wait, yes they do - all of our space if theirs. Idiots.
All your space are belong to us.
CJ no're out to lunch
Then those are the dirtiest knees ever.
well if she works in a spa...
Layton would know
Maybe GO should partition the knee-knocker 2x2's with walls and sliding doors. Think of the benefits:
1. Less noise transmission.
2. Less odor transmission? (e.g. food, foot riders).
3. Less visually-disgusting elements transmission (no line of sight). Although maybe glass panes would be necessary to help people find seats.
4. The Corridor Club would be ecstatic.
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