Tuesday, May 17, 2011

So that's how they do it ...

After protesting that their shoes are indeed without bacteria, mud or dirt with no scientific explanation of how their shoes/boots/sandals are cleaner than mine or yours when they rest them on seats, evidence has finally come to light.

I'm so excited to share this with you.
You'll never look at foot riders the same way again.

I so badly want to throw this guy a $5 bill. He totally gives it.


  1. I couldn't watch the whole thing. Please tell me he doesn't lick the bottom of the shoe...

    So gross.

    How do you find this stuff?

  2. It's a good job that I ate before watching this. Still kinda wishing that I hadn't. Ick.

  3. Is that Jason???

  4. You know, I was going to go there, but held back ...

    LOL ... lswgirl13 for the total win.

  5. I think I just threw up a little bit.

  6. Obviously a person who is unfortunately suffering from a mental illness or an actor. Very sad really

  7. ...I thought he was going to lick the toe jam off his fingers too...ew...

  8. So this video has gone viral and apparently this man may suffer from an illness known as pica. Pica is a medical disorder characterized by an appetite for substances largely non-nutritive (e.g., metal, clay, coal, sand, dirt, soil, feces, chalk, pens and pencils, paper, batteries, spoons, toothbrushes, soap, mucus, ash, gum, etc.[1]) or an abnormal appetite for food ingredients (e.g. flour, raw potato, raw rice, starch, ice cubes, salt).[2]


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