It's Friday. Some crazy chick carrying a blender AKA me gets on your coach - a coach that has an electrical outlet. I pull out a tv tray and plug in this blender (shown below) and not just any blender, but a "frozen concoction beverage maker". Hey, they have to justify that price somehow. For $2, I make piña coladsa and margaritas.
Would you buy?
How long til I get kicked off?

Absolutely! And there's no way you'd get kicked off. Not if they're virgin! 'Sides, I bet you the Bombardier guys would think you were the coolest chick ever.
No, this isn't one of my scooby doo dream sequence fantasies. I want bar service. On Fridays.
Michelle, are you ill? Virgin? VIRGIN? What are you thinking, woman?!
Why stop at Fridays? Mondays are way more painful.
my momma always said, if you have to start mondays with alcohol, you might be an alcoholic.
There was no mention of starting Mondays with a libation. Ending the day is a whole other matter. I am already a workaholic caffeine-addict. Do not need another crutch.
My brother has one and says it's fan-fucking-tastic!!! Not like the Jack-Lalaine-piece-of-crap-juicer he got suckered into.
Of course if there was drinking, there'd be socializing which could lead to people becoming friendly which could lead to God knows what!
Love it! I would buy one! I will put my order in for a piña colada!
I will bring the drink umbrellas.
Only if you're open to strawberry daiquiris too, honey. It'll make the evening Running of the High Heels and Makeup at Rutherford even more entertaining.
Seriously, they gotta do something for those poor people with that parking lot.
I have an actual Margaritaville Frozen Concoction Maker. Not the portable version, sadly, but then the bungholes at Ontario Place aren't letting us tailgate at next month's Buffett show anyway...grrr
Yeah, I'd be up for a $2 margarita. Heck, I'd help blend.
Hey Angela - I'll see you there! Of course I have no idea who you are but what the hell!
I fully support this initiative.
Rutherford is by far the most amusing part of my ride home in the evenings. I just love watching people sprint like nobody's business as though they're competing in the Boston marathon. Makes me smile everytime. Brent did you see the blind guy running in another "running" vid that CJ posted, I think it was last week? HI-LAR-IOUS.
I guess I should try to make this so ...
Virgin margaritas? Wtf is the point in that? Lol. Toss some booze in there and count me in!! Only one of course as we do have to drive. Well most of us do.
Two bucks? Shit! I'll give you five!!
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