The people who block the machines remind me of cats. If you own a cat, you'll know what I mean. My cat Georgie, who is the fattest cat in Canada, thinks a table leg makes him incognito. I can see you, you bastard! Now move!
I was emailed a link, where in the comment thread, a shout out to ye old (TCT for short, yes, it's the acronym for the TTC mixed-up - purely unintentional) was written. For the shout out, I thank you "hauntedsponge". The shout out was in reference to people who make riding the GO suck (Thank you, "sempire") .
Here's a picture of Crazy Eyes. Those of us who hang out on the TCT know her as a door donkey. What's a door donkey, you ask? Learn more about this TCT meme here.
Here's a helpful illustration:

CJ you're into reddit too eh? I'm surprised you have time for this site.
No, I was emailed the link that someone else posted. Oh my god, the last thing I need is another time waster!
But I don't see this site as a waste of time. This site is like my stage, microphone ... it's my own online comedy club. Just like people make time to read my site, I make time to maintain it.
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