
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Departure Door Donkey (Triple D) - Know Your TCT Donkey

de·par·ture door don·key [Proun. dee-par-chure door don-key] -s

  1. a GO commuter who waits on the opposite platform different from the one displayed, so as to board the train first. A risky maneuver. Often doors won't open on the opposite platform forcing the DDDs to run down the stairs and run up to the correct platform. Also known as a "fail"


kary said...

I really dislike these people. There are a few regular departure door donkeys that catch the 4:30 train to Oshawa, all stops. Think I'll take a photo of them next week. They're special people, because they're also door blockers! They're about being FIRST. They're FIRST on the train, on the FIRST coach. And they are FIRST to get off. They deserve to have their special faces on RTCT.

FIRST430 said...

Can't wait to see this pic

Bicky said...

One of the ladies I chat with in the morning waiting for the train is a DDD on the 4:30pm train home. I see her waiting on the wrong platform when I'm getting the train.

Squiggles said...

They need to start NOT opening doors on platform 10 for the 5.20pm train. Teach those yahoos a lesson. Will never happen though.

not down with triple ds said...


Looking for your 15 minutes, huh?

RonNasty said...

FYI if you board the train on Track 5, the disabled ramp is on Track 6. Are they considered Triple Ds?

FIRST430 said...


Anonymous said...

@ kary - what's your problem? Do you still get a seat? Does it matter what doors they go through? Get over yourself!

transit guy said...

The disabled are not Triple Ds but those able-bodied folk who gang up through the accessibility coach are.

Excuse me, watch your temper and how you speak to people who play by the rules. If boarding is designated for Platform x, you stand on x which is courteous to those leaving the train on Platform Y so they don't have to fight through a crowd of bodies on a narrow platform.

Some of Triple Ds fail to realize that.

I don't need to be first on the train to feel like I've won at something. If you need that kind of self-gratification, try playing solitaire.

Anonymous said...

Dear Kary,
If you are looking for an apology here it is....we are terribly sorry that your main ambition is to be last and are upset with those who have better things to do with their lives then to be waiting for you to drag yourself off of the train...
to "not down with triple ds..." You happy you got your 5 minutes?
Get over it....if these are the types of things that ruin your lives then I honestly feel sorry for both of you!!

C.J. Smith said...

Interesting set of comments. Here's what I've noticed. I've seen the reaction and behaviour of people who wait on the opposite platform only to be burned when the doors don't open. You want to talk about acting like lives have been ruined in a span of a few minutes?
These people stomp their feet, swear and fly down the stairs in a burst of fury. Once seated on the train, the steam coming off them could peel wallpaper.

Anonymous said...

Dear dear Kary,
Have you ever wondered why we wait for the train on the opposite platform? Could it be that we are selfish people who must get to our seats as quickly as possible, or maybe we just want to be first on the train...really do you honestly believe that?
Could it be that we choose to wait on the opposite platform as GO in it's ultimate wisdom has selected the smallest platform to load the busiest train. Could it be that we are concerned about safety? Have you seen the people walking on the track as they can't get by the people waiting to get on the 4:25.
Why are you so small minded, who really cares who gets on the train first and gets off first, there are plenty of seats for everyone...take a chill pill, there are more serious issues...signed,"We get on first and off first"

FRED said...

I don't really care about why these people do it. I just don't want to hear them complain when the doors didn't open. Makes me wanna shove a violin up their asses.

Bicky said...

@FRED, 9:09am: Love your comment! LOL :o)

Al said...

@ anon - 7:55 am sept 12,

How about while your waiting in line for coffee I jump in front of you and get mine first, I mean who cares, there is plenty of coffee, you will get yours eventually, why do I care if you were there first, or if the store belives in first come first served.

Gary said...

Al makes a good point.
Hard to dispute the logic there.

sue said...

I'm with you girl!
Hate to see these donkeys wait in line at the bank, or the grocery store, All.

Anonymous said...

Seriously.....DONKEYS??!!!!!, have you seen yourselves getting on the 4:25....not exactly dignified yourselves, don't see you lining up. There is a difference to being polite in a line up for coffe or the bank, this is a train we are getting on, not like we are pushing past people to get on there...move on folks...this is now old news!!! Isn't this a GO transit problem as noted above, if they are not going to fix the problem of over crowding on the platform, then it makes sense to take matters into your own hands. Signed...ALL ABOARD!!!!

Kelly said...

The Triple Ds are just inconsiderate bastards.

Kathy said...

Yep, donkeys all right. We see them everywhere - not just on the GO. It's all about them first, lacking the maturity to understand what our society would be like if everyone followed that mentality.

I look for any and every opportunity to openly shame people like this.

Anonymous said...

Ignorance really is bliss Anon. Keep living that way, it's easier on your brain.