dir·ty turn·ip [Proun. dir-ty turn-ip] -s
Note. Multiple definitions
- a GO commuter who displays behaviour on a train that prevents the commute from being comfortable or enjoyable for others
- a GO commuter who makes it difficult for others to sit
- a GO commuter who listens to music at a volume that distracts others from sleeping, reading, talking, playing a word puzzle, or thinking
- a GO commuter whose purse, bag, backpack, satchel or body is infringing on another commuter's personal space
- a GO commuter who snaps gum loudly
- a GO commuter who conducts a mobile conversation at a volume that forces you to listen about how her brother skipped a parole check-in and now the cops are looking for him
- a GO commuter that holds a conversation with a seat mate (or seat mates) at a volume that projects the conversation to anyone who can't help but listen about topics that are constantly repeated or discussed several different ways about shit you don't care about
- a GO commuter who applies make-up, tweezes hair, clips nails, files nails, paints nails, or performs other acts of personal hygiene while the train is in motion
- a GO commuter who removes one's shoes
- a GO commuter who eats food that emits a strong odour
The Dirty Turnips would make one awesome band name.
I can play the drums.
I can riff off a mean Kazoo,
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