I'm printing out this posting and will be placing it folded under the windshield wiper of this Ford Escape so the owner reads it.
You're not special.
These photos of your vehicle were taken by two different people and I received several more throughout the morning. What pissed people off enough to snap photos is that the parking lot wasn't even full, but you chose to park like a douche anyway.
It's hard for those of us who do follow the rules to respect you and your decision to park on the curbed island. You're not exempt from the rules. I can't understand why you would do this but you set a precedent when you do, because by 4pm today, you'll be joined by other assholes and your plan to be "deserted" on your own parking island will have gone awry. If I can swallow it and park my $55,000 Ford Flex Limited out in the lot with the "regular" folk, seeing as you seem to feel you *are* better than everyone else, then I'm sure you can also stomach it with your $28,000 Ford Escape.
Have a good night,
CJ Smith
Editor, Ride This Crazy Train
Thought you drove a Chevy Equinox?
I do.
Some days I'll take the Flex which my husband primarily drives if I feel like pimpin' it in the luxury hearse with the moon roof open and the Bose system blasting, all the while being caressed by its supple leather interior. It's a nice ride.
Hopefully the driver isn't a total psycho who will seek to exact revenge for the public shaming by damaging cars he believes to be yours. His parking choices certainly point to him being antisocial. You may want to edit the post to say you drive a hot pink Cadillac, just in case.
Please. What an empty threat. It's not worth it anyway. The person will just toss it.
Maybe say you drive a 184 Buick LeSabre?
You raise a good point as there are a lot of fellow Oshawa commuters who drive Chevy Equinoxes in that lot and that's the last thing I want to do to anyone is put them in a position to have their car innocently keyed by some asshole who can't handle his popularity.
Haven't seen another Flex. Wait, I've seen a gray one but my husband's isn't gray. If Ford Escape Survivor dude somehow manages to read this, stay away from the gray Ford Flex.
A 184 Buick LeSabre? Did it come with a Roman warrior on it?
wait wait, a $55,000 Flex and a $28,000 escape??
holy crap you were ripped off.. no wonder you were so bitter.
That escape is about $6,000
Brand new? Ford Escapes aren't $6,000 brand new and when this Escape was new, it was over $24,000 for sure.
People don't value their cars at their depreciation worth. But if you want to get technical then it's a 2010 $35,000 Flex vs a 20?? $6,000 Escape
I have a Limited Edition 2010 Ford Escape Hybrid. After taxes, cost of borrowing, etc I financed $38,000. The car had a sticker price of $30,000
Don't forget the rich Corinthian leather, CJ.
Just wanted to say to Parking Donkey Doucher Flex Boy/Girl: Fuck You. You're a moron.
That is if the douche actually dares to read the comment thread from this post.
Ya I think:
would be sufficient enough.
A Ford Flex, what are those exactly??? It's like a car that doesn't know if it's a car or a station wagon or an SUV or a truck, well, you get what I mean. And I'm with Sue, I shopped for an Escape a couple of years back. You can't get a decent one for less than $30,000.00. BUT this wasn't the point of your topic which of course these guys need to be towed or this behaviour will never stop!
oh ok. i was considering value as of when they parked it.. how do you know they bought it brand new?
Ya, so entitled and inconsiderate.... Oh by the way, and this is for anyone who parks with their wheels turned.. I'm an auto mechanic for Nissan.. Don't park with your wheels turned like that. It puts so much stress on your front end suspension and especially your tie rods (which are VERY expensive even on domestic vehicles).
I think the car is stolen - it was there night and day and may still be there??? Surely go would have had it towed....
It was not a stolen car.
It was someone who had taken VIA.
sadly..that's probably the only time he/she will use the all wheel drive on this car...
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