Those who got off at Oshawa last night surely bore witness to the mess, with people blocking exit routes and boxing in other cars, so that many drivers were left taking cabs home and returning later to fetch their cars. I got the emails.
Thing is, I don't know why y'all emailed me? Email GO. But I guess since I've taken up this torch, people hope I will speak for them. Sure, I'll write about it but I can't guarantee anything will be done about it. Ideally, the best place to direct your frustration is with GO - strength in numbers and all that. But a seat mate on the train told me this morning she called, she complained and she was told there would be a blitz today.
Here's Oshawa last night at 5:30pm. Note the half-ass attempt to ticket. If you're going to ticket, ticket everyone. It's only fair.
Question, would you pay more money in fares if it meant parking garages would be built? Anyone know how the Whitby parking structure got off the ground? I could look it up, I guess. As far as I know, there are no plans to expand the Oshawa lot as there are plans to re-direct the whole LSE line when it eventually is extended past Oshawa.

Very timely article:
Wonderful news if the rumour turns out to be true.
Once they have dealt with Oshawa, they need to head down to Ajax. I can't drive down certain lanes (rows of parkers) and turn towards the exit most days.
The Ajax parking post is queued up for this afternoon.
I write 75% of my posts in advance and have an automated publishing schedule so wait for it ... wait for it ... it's so close ... :)
They have been in the Streetsville Parking lot for a week now. It is GREAT!!! Well for me since I take one of the eariler trains. I was speaking with an enforcer - and his job is to look at differnt parking arragements. From what he was telling me it would be great if the higher ups took his advice. At 8 AM they close off our parking lot. It is so much easier to get out at the end of the night.
@ CJ: That is just mean; making me wait until this afternoon.
I can pretty much guarantee that not much will be done now that I know.
When I see it I will believe it. I called to complain a couple of weeks ago about Ajax and was told there was going to be a parking blitz (ticketing) on September 6. I didnt see any cars ticketed that day, and Cindy, as you can tell from all the pics I sent you this week, there are tons of illegal parkers in Ajax. It's gone from bad to worse.
@ Donna,
I was followed up the stairs to the South Lot last night by a trio of complainers. Basically, they said that if they do not get there by 7am, they can't get a spot. Of course, no one would admit that they do not park in the overflow lot. One said that if they can't park in the South Lot, they park at the end of a row. No apologies, etc.
If I hadn't been fighting off a cold (I lost), I would have let 'er rip at them.
On a side note, I haven't seen any tickets given out since before the long weekend. Not that people pay them. Apparently, if they are yellow, you can get away with not paying them; some loophole because the Police use white.
I get to the lot around 7:00 and there are still a number of spots at the bottom of the south lot. The new lot behind the dealership is practically empty. Im guessing that gets filled by 7:30.
Even before the blocked off those spots for the parking garage, people still parked illegally in the south lot because they're too damn lazy to haul ass to the other south south lot.
I guess we don't know for sure when the Jeep got damaged BUT if it was yesterday sucks to be them for parking there.
I have no horror stories for parking and absolutely NO problem getting a spot at any time of the day.
I'm just waiting for the day when GO decides to make people pay to park and NO, I'm not gonna pay more to have garages built because it doesn't affect me!
I had a horrible time at the Oshawa lot last night. I had a tight squeeze to get out and around several rows. Thank goodness - I did not hit anyone. It seems to be getting worse and worse. People are so lazy, if there is truly no parking, it is only another 5-7 minutes to continue on to the Whitby station and park in the parking garage. I have been told that the garage is never full. I did contact the Go to complain.
Tanya, people in Ajax wont walk an extra 5 minutes to the new south lot, dont expect people to drive to another station, not gonna happen!
@ Donna, to be fair, the price goes up to take the train to/from Whitby. And the situation at Pickering is almost as bad.
But yes, the laziness is a HUGE factor in why people park like jackasses.
What! Stupid rumour mill. I was so hopeful.
I feel extremely let-down.
Ill park where iwant at Oshawa. Not blocking cars in... If I have paid for a month,y pass I'm going to park or sue. Parking is easier. Go created this problem. They'll damn well better fix it.
@Anonymous Sept24 9:37am
Of course you'll park where you want, you are a parking donkey. The concept of getting to the lot earlier, or taking another train - totally foreign to you, I know.
Because it's all about YOU. No one else.
Sounds like you deserve a Tshirt -
@Anon 9.37: Read the following as Professor Quirrel:
Grow up. Not everyone is entitled to parking. It is provided free of charge to the GO customers. Therefore, GO is not responsible to have enough spots for every monthly pass holder. If you want a dedicated spot, pay for it.
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