Thursday, September 29, 2011

This Crazy Train's Presto Chronicles, Chapter 10: For the love of all things Holy, don't punch a hole in your Presto card

In my first year of university, those of us who lived in dorms were given these cool, swaggy lanyards (aka shoelaces with flare) that we could thread through our pass cards that allowed us to carry our pass cards around our necks.
This was 1991.

Fast forward 20 years later. You would think a Presto card could handle this kind of sophisticated method of transport.


Renee writes:
As a new Presto user, I think you should share this with your fellow commuters.

It might sound obvious for some people, but apparently you can’t make a hole in your Presto card. Since I have to tap it 3 times per trip, I thought it would be handy to have it on my keychain, like some people do with their Metropass. Every GO employee made me feel pretty stupid for not knowing that. Apparently it says so on their website.

But in my defense, it doesn’t say that on the card or in the brochure.

Thank God I had registered my card, otherwise I’m not sure I could have gotten it replaced. And I had to call about 4 times and wait 2 days to be able to access my money with a new card.

So to be clear, if you innocently punch a hole in your Presto card so you can thread it through your keychain, you will render it useless; the hole will damage the card's antenna and the chip.

What I find helpful is I keep mine in a zippered compartment of my satchel and I just bump uglies with the machine with every tap.


  1. Just got my Presto card and loaded it up. Now, if it works right, I shouldn't be paying more in a month than I currently do for a monthly pass. The bigger issue is: will I remember to tap? I've used monthly passes for almost 20 years. :o)

  2. It may not say it on the card, but it does say pretty cleraly in the FAQ on the Presto site that punching a hole destroys the card

  3. Yep. That was mentioned. In an ideal world, people would read the faqs first, but they don't. It would help if the faqs were in the brochure but oh well...

  4. It should have a hole somewhere so you have the option of putting it on a lanyard.
    I keep mine in my wallet and have to take it out . . . no bumping uglies with the machine C.J.!!! I had some moron who cut in front of me last night and took 5 or 6 swipes doing that until it worked. I did get some satisfaction in muttering "asshole".
    @Bicky - I've been a PRESTO user for over a year now and I had some problems in the beginning but I like it. That said, I have NEVER loaded money online on my card, I still go to the ticket guy and get them to do it. AND it seems more and more that machines are out of order at Union which is totally unacceptable!!!

  5. If it's like every other smart card in the world, you could get away with punching a hole, providing it's not too near the edge (which is where the antenna is), and you don't hit the chip somewhere in the middle.

    Of course, that requires knowing what it looks like inside....

    What would ideal is if they had a spot marked saying "OK to punch hole here" for those that so desire.

    Or just include a hole as standard...

    1. It's surprising how much added cost there is to adding a hole punching processing to the card. I've never seen a solid laminated RFID card come with a hole from the factory. Two-piece designs used for access control have one built in, so there should be no reason that it can't be done. I suspect, as mentioned above, cost. Also, the two-piece designs are more robust and I suspect the Presto cards would wear through the hole if one were to use a steel clipped lanyard or split ring.

      The safe area idea, for one could punch a badge slot or hole would be ideal!

  6. @lswgirl13: Hm, I did load my card up online and then got the email (almost immediately) it went through. Tapped my card on a balance checker machine and it showed up. IN LESS THAN 24 HOURS!!

    I'd rather load it up at the window with a real person too but good to know it works this way in case the station attendants are on strike next month.

    I'm just worried I'll forget to tap. On the other hand, I may be so paranoid about it, I'll remember and then it will become old hat. :o)

  7. If you can't punch a hole, superglue works pretty well. Or a hot glue gun.

  8. Bicky - Don't forget to register your card online and you can also check all your trips that way and do a print-out for tax purposes.

    1. Unfortunately, this tax credit was eliminated in the summer of 2017, if I recall correctly. Generally speaking, it helped those who needed it most.

  9. lswgirl13: I registered my card the first night. I am good to GO! Ha ha ha!

  10. @ LSW - Why do you have to remove it from your wallet, the scanner is pretty sensitive have you ever tried to do it without removing your card?

    I like to keep the card in my front pocket, and interlock my fingers behind my head and thrust my pelvis into the machine when I scan.

    Maybe on april fools day I will leave some residue when I'm done just to mess with people.

  11. Glue might not work if you get your card loaded by the teller, not sure if they have to swipe it.

    I suggest getting to a card store ( as in hockey/baseball) and buy one of those card protector, they are placitc andyou could keeo the presto in there. You could pucnh a hole in that for sure.

  12. @Al - Ohhhhhhh to get instead your brain!!! So I should have no problem spotting you at Union one night, you'll be the guy getting off on the PRESTO machine!!!

    My wallet is in my big-ass purse so I have to remove it. I get pissed when people stand there trying to scan through a purse or backpack.

  13. @ LSW - you meant get inside my brain?

    I am kidding, blame CJ she said bump uglies - got the wheels turnin and I just thought how funny that would look if someone did that.

    I'm a big fan of innuendo.

    I dont know much about ladies purses,(dont carry them/hold them or even stick my hands in 'em.
    I heard of people being offered chapstick and getting a tampon) I was sure you must have had a good reason. I do not enjoy being stuck behind the scanner challenged folks either.

  14. Yes Al, your brain, not your pants.

    And what can I say, I like a big bag (purse). Just wanted to clarify the "innuendo" for you.

  15. Just made a Presto card holder for my keychain using a denim Gap gift card holder, cut a small hole in the back and add keyring. Voila!

  16. I think that we syould be able to punch a hole in a presto card since I punched mine and I got in deep troble.They should make presto a swipe card so we can punch holes into the ca dand not get into troble.

    1. "Swipe" cards are terrible and industry wide they are being phased out for most uses on the consumer level. They are based on a magnetic strip that stores data, just like your credit card. They can easily be copied or "spoofed" by baddies (RFID can as well, of course). Worst of all, just like your credit card, magnetic strips can be destroyed by a magnetic field. Since most people have their Presto at the ready, in a pocket or purse, that increases the chances are of the card bumping into a magnet (chargers, cables, pocket closure, etc) if they were magnetic strip based.

      Of course, Presto cards being RFID have their issues. My particular cards don't seem to function well in the winter time and the terminals seem to be non-functioning 20-30% of the time.

  17. Durham Transit has a slick holder with key ring that I use for my "tap and go" credit cards. I assume that it will work for Presto cards.

  18. It's doable: risky if you're not 100% confident in avoiding that antennae.

    Like any RFID card it has an antennae and an IC. Put the card on a very bright light source and you should be able to see the traces of the metal foil antennae. Unfortunately, because the antennae occupies most of the edge most badge slot punchers can't accommodate the insertion depth needed to make something usable. Most heavy paper punches should have no problem getting through the card.

    Most just use a card holder which doubles as a protector for all your lanyard-attached cards. I have, however, had those, even the really thick 5 mils vinyl, protectors fail so I prefer to have the lanyard clip through the protector and each card so mitigate the risk of loss.


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