I didn't expect to have another Chapter so soon but this morning I learned that I can tap my Presto card at the TTC turnstile in Union subway station and take the subway.
How long of y'all known? I feel like a jilted wife, blind to her husband's indiscretions. The last to know. The forgotten.
I had seen the card reader. I didn't make the connection. I figured my card was set-up for GO and that's it. But oh no, you can walk right off the train, right through the concourse, right through the doors and tap right through the turnstile. $2.50 is deducted from your card. It doesn't override your GO settings. My train friend Sandra showed me.
I nearly weeped with joy. Do you know how much I hate fucking tokens? The archaic process of the entire metro transit system, period? A lot. But this gave me hope. Generally, I walk to work. But today, for reasons I will keep to myself, I just wasn't up to it.
When I got off at Queen, the bubble burst real quick. I can use Presto to get to my destination. I can't use to it leave. No card readers.
This is why I lose my mind. Swear to God. So much for my short-lived happiness.

Just so you know, your card can be used on transit sytem with Presto card readers... that's the whole point of the card.
There are readers at Dundas, but not at Queen or King. I think the logic was that "no-one" ever takes the subway from Union to Queen...
The TTC doesn't have enough money to install Presto machines at all their stations, buses, etc. And the gov only pays for so much of Presto as well. For now, it's only available at certain subway stations.
Any transit system with readers, Tom?
Well at least now I know I can haul my ass on a train to the Eaton Centre and be able to make a return trip.
If the TTC is a flat fare system, why would you need to tap off? Just sayin'....
No, I need to use Queen to return to Union. There's no card readers to tap if you want to go back.
Presto's ultimate goal is to be on every transit system in the expanded GTA, including every and all TTC stations/bus. It will eventually become the payment method for folks who use their local transit system, TTC or otherwise, without using GO.
I'm in the same predicament. I have a bad knee and work at Queen and Victoria. I tap in the morning but have to use tokens at night. The logic is stupid. One day, maybe in 2042, long after I am retired, the system will be up to date with today's technology while still being 30 years behind Europe and some US cities.
I do agree that it sucks - when I get on at Eglinton, I have to use a token.
I hate fucking tokens too.
They are cold and the edges are too sharp. Plus who knows what you could catch from them, I mean you never know where else they could have been shoved before you get to it.
Like a stripper, Al, and her many talents?
Why, when this card was being rolled out, was there so signage saying as much. I use tokens. I didn't know I could use Presto either.
@ CJ - I wouldnt exactly call strippers talented, maybe the really good pole dancers but thats it. Although I did once see one take a bill from somone while contorted awkwardly.
I remember the TTC was flip flopping on Presto and Adam Jabroni, wanted to install a visa/mastercard payment system,
TTC finally relented so they must have only recently install;ed them there.
You obviously haven't met the ones who play ping pong with no racquet.
Personally No,
But I did see something like that in a video somewhere.
Currently only 12 of 69 ttc stations have Presto readers installed. Why Eglinton does not is a mystery, I mean nobody gets on and off at Eglinton
How do you play ping ping with no raquet?
@Anna K, rent Priscilla Queen of the desert.
The TTC recently got an agreement toegther with Metrolinx to roll out Presto, starting 2013 and being completed by 2015. See this document for details.
They intend to do subway stations by July 2014; and existing streetcars and buses by 2015. (New streetcars will come with Presto installed).
"Legacy fare media" (i.e. tokens and paper passes) will be withdarwn 6 months after the Presto rollout is complete.
Why it takes so long is beyond me...
I was surprised to find Yorkdale doesn't have 'em. You'd think with that large GO bus terminal next door...
Oh well. Logic was never the TTC's strong point (applies to a lesser extent to Presto).
TTC and "good customer service", or any other derivative thereof, cannot (by law I believe) be used in the same sentence.
Isn't the new TTC slogan "go f#@k yourself" or was that just the one driver"??? :-)
Preaching to the choir on this one. And, yes, there's a Presto turnstile at Union. ONE. The line to use it can get nasty around rush hour. At least you get the discount token price when you tap.
As Tom noted above, the TTC has been trying to avoid Presto for ages. They only half-assed it last year and implemented the fewest readers they could get away with as the council dithered over alternate smartcard systems. Then the Province went all 'oh no you DIDN'T!!' on them and they had to present a plan to get the shit together for Presto.
God I hate the TTC. I swear they make a decent profit off all the tokens I lose in the bottom of my purse.
Two things:
1.) Ottawa's transit system is supposed to come online with Presto too, so it's not just GTA systems.
2.) These stories definitely rock when they're accompanied by drawings!
Oh three things:
3.) Priscilla, Queen of the Desert movie is awesome!
Why doesn't the TTC want Presto? 'Cuz the Unions won't let them. What would they do with the thousands of 'energetic' and 'helpful' union members earning $35.00/hr to watch those token go 'plunk'. The unions want to ensure their minions continue to watch us plunk the tokens and hold John Doe public's 'nads for ransom. Just saying
I finally broke down and got a presto card this weekend. I was adamant about the paper passes for a long time, because I occasionally took the GO bus, and initially presto was not available on the bus. Now, it’s active on the train, bus, and local transit. I’m sold, if only because I never have to make a special trip to buy transit fares again. I’m also a big fan of the fact that I don’t need to fish $0.65 out of my pocket every morning for the local transit fare.
Yorkdale now has one reader, on to left side of the entrance, well hidden behind a pole. No signs or other notice that's it's FINALLY there. Found it by accident as I always veer right when going into the station.
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