This post just went viral and I was asked by a GO employee (actually several) to bump it.
Consider it done.
Somewhere on Bay Street, there's a cubicle full of people who are greatly amused by the comments.
I just wish I was there with a chair that I could hoist over my head and chant, Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!
If you're new here, be sure to familiarize yourself with the TCT meme, and then make yourself a coffee, and then read the comments.

Ahh yes, the special 4:30pm LSE crowd. I don't take this train but I've heard lots about this party crowd. Karen writes:
I promised to take a photo of the FIRST gang on LSE 4:30. They stand on the departure side of the train, even though this is not an express and there are enough seats for everybody. They just like to be first on the first car, and first off the train. A few of these notables are also loud AND door blockers, getting up from their seats several stops before Oshawa.
So they get several awards.
Oh boo hoo, they probably gonna get all mad and send me hate email. I'm gonna publish every single one. Word.
Thank Goodness there is now visual evidence. Now for the audio of thier loud obnoxious behaviour.
The 7 am from Oshawa picks up donkeys at Whitby and AJax and Pickering. The first guy sits in the bicycle seat - right in the middle. (one car east of the CSA car). Then loud obnoxious women get on at the next three stations. A guy with a scottish accent tells his business loudly to everyone, and spices it up with gender inappropriate comments. A 40 something ish women with long waving hair - and who should have been living in the sixties if we go by her fashion sense is the worst offender.
Does anyone recognize this Waspish Gang??
Pretty sure Karen needs to get a life - if you don't like it MOVE
Dear Karen:
In case you didn't notice the platform from the 4:25 train is packed and we refuse to walk on the tracks to make our way down the platform. If GO Transit didn't want us standing on that side then they wouldn't open the doors. If you have such a problem with this maybe you should move cars. I didn't know standing was such a crime on the GO Train!
The only reason they open the doors onto Platform 11 is to let people off coming from the west end. People who can't follow procedures are a pain.
Well how about you be so kind and to send us the 'proper procedures'.
Hmmm... I wonder why go places those track numbers on the screens directing people what track to wait on prior to the train arriving.
I think tonight on my way home, I will enter the westbound offramp of the 401, and head east since the traffic heading east on the proper side of the 401 is just too congested.
You rule.
HEAVEN FORBID we have one set of doors by which people exit and ANOTHER set of doors by which people enter! WOW such efficiency!
These people are OBVIOUSLY very important because they don't want to stand on the busy side. I mean, why must such high-calibre people be forced to mingle with common folk. Taking the train is bad enough, right?
Bloody wankers.
couldnt agree with you more @Svej
bloody wankers haha
You people do realize you are bitching over what side the door opens and who gets on and off first. You all need to get a life. Who cares who gets on where and where they sit and if they stand up. Don't you think there are bigger problems in the world than who stood up first or who got on first??
There are much bigger problems in the world, none of which we are going to be able to solve, but at this time we are discussing people who feel some sense of entitlement to do whatever they want. To ignore the signs directing them where they are supposed to go simply because it's inconvenient to do so. Perhaps discussing this here will make them realize (incase they don't already know) that what they are doing annoys other people to the point they comment on a blog about how annoying they find these people.
I keep praying for the day I get to laugh at all the folks I see doing this at another time and another train, when the doors on the wrong side of the platform do not open and they have to trudge thier sorry asses down to the concourse and enter the train on the correct side.
That will be one less problem in the world solved for one day.
Well AL i'm not really sure why this 'annoys' you. Give me one good damn reason why this would annoy such a person as yourself for someone to get on the train on the opposite side of the track? Honestly. I would love to hear this.
Al, I love you!
I guess I'm just a good girl because I wait until my track number is displayed on the board even though it never changes. God forbid, I'm not the first one on the train! Svej - they are wankers indeed!
Could it be that other people are patiently waiting while they follow the rules? And it's annoying to watch others flaunt them?
My father is a retired firefighter. He takes offense with people who park right in front of the Loblaws where it clearly says it's a fire route with a big red No Parking sign. God forbid these people walk 60 metres from a parking spot.
Does Loblaws owe you storefront parking, too? Parking lots get crowded and congested but you're still expected to park in the lot and not in the fire route.
Don't like the congestion, take a later train. Otherwise, get the station earlier so you can line up first on the correct platform.
@ LSWgirl, I'm not surprised, I mean just look at me, who doesn't?
I would like to admit that I too am a Door donkey, guilty as charged.
I rarely if ever sit on the train, but I am also usually the last on the train. I dont rush to get on as I do not expect to get a seat, and the only ones I somewhat obstruct are the people who are arriving 2 - 5 mins prior to departure, as I myself usually dont arrive prior to that. In my defense if the doors on the other side are closed then I will cozy up to the people that are standing by those closed doors. I wouldnt stand by the open (boarding) doors if possible but sometimes it happens.
Now as for "Give me one good damn reason why this would annoy such a person as yourself".
It really doesnt affect me since I do not get robbed of a seat, (I dont even take that train at that time) but a few good damn reasons are.
1) it is not the designated departure track.
2) You risk a trampling by the people who are departing
3) It is not fair to the rest of the people who were patiently waiting on the right track who's seat you did just steal.
4) you risk being harrased and made fun of on certain online blogs. (no names)
Any more I missed?
5)the doors may not always open on your side and you may have to walk through the concourse to get to the correct track at which point I will be easily visible as the one pointing and laughing at your sorry ass for not having been on the right track in the first place. and if I hear you complain I will be the one to inform you have no right to complain since you were not in the right spot in the first place.
For those who had their picture taken should take heed of the following and perhaps request that it be removed!
Criminal Code of Canada, 162. (1): (“Criminal Voyeurism”) Every one commits an offence who, surreptitiously, observes – including by mechanical or electronic means – or makes a visual recording of a person who is in circumstances that give rise to a reasonable expectation of privacy.
and where is the "rise to a reasonable expectation of privacy" in a public place such as a train station? it maybe relevant if it was in the bathroom, or perhaps in thier living rooms, but this is not the case.
"a reasonable expectation of privacy."
They're in a busy train station during rush hour. Their faces aren't even detailed enough to identify them.
Actually, good point,
Try and prove it is you in that photo.
Reasonable expectation of privacy in a public place? I'd pay to see someone try and argue that in a court of law.
I love it when someone starts down the "legal action road". Geez. C.J. - chainsaw their heads off.
Al - I'm sure you're the hottest guy on your line, at least in your mind :P
You're allowed to take photos on GO property as long as stated above it's not "voyeristic" ie upskirt, etc...and GO has a special by-law that states it must not be for commercial purposes, which these are not. Other than that, snap away pics of these offenders.
Wait, other people ride my go train line?? Huh, never noticed
Maybe someone will take your picture one day Al and we can share in your wonderful'ness.
For my sake I hope not.
You Triple Ds are a pretty sad bunch. If you feel so entitled, why you gotta come on here and defend the practice. Guilt. It's got a hold on y'all.
I'm gonna post a picture of Al. Well, what I think Al looks like. Actually, what would be HIGHlarious is if I took all the regular commentators and made a group photo of what I think you all look like. Then I'll make it into a banner.
This is what he looks like in my mind...
Damn, the link didn't paste. It's Al Borland from Home Improvement.
CJ you said it would happen. ROTFLMAO - I'm sitting back watching the donkey dung fly
This message is for Karen. I love the fact that you only took a picture of the front crowd. The rest of the platform is always full of people. Second of all, you take the picture while none of us are looking - grow some balls. If you have such a problem with our group of friends than maybe you should approach us and tell us how you feel else mind your own business. We aren't hurting you. If there is such an issue why not go tell Go Transit - that's right because they will just tell you the same thing I am going too - MOVE CARS!
In response to Al:
1) What does it matter? the doors open and no one blocks anyone getting off
2) Nope we are good commuters and are not in their way while they exit the train
3) We aren't stealing anyone's seat but our own - when you have been taking the same train with the same people for so long the seats are always the same
4) you're gonna have to do better than this blog to harass or insult us
5) this has happened in the past - and there were no complaints
for someone who doesn't even take our train you sure got alot to say
Actually GO transit officials, the CSRs that wear the black vests with reflective yellow stripes? If someone complains about people congesting the departure door only platforms, they will come up and ask you to wait in the concourse until your train is called and ask you to use the correct platform.
As I mentioned in earlier posts, I am a former Triple D. I was confronted by a GO CSA who asked me to leave Platform 11. This was well over a year ago.
Following up on this practice, GO doesn't have enough CSRs to babysit those who choose not to play by the rules as we're mostly all adults and are expected to behave, etc.
Actually I think it's pretty sad it's come to this - tattle-telling etc.
But oh well. I learned my lesson. I can't do anything about others.
and like it was mentioned in the previous post - we don't block the doors of anyone exiting the trains so there would be no complaints . . .
What I don't understand about all of this is why you choose to focus on the group in the first car. if you look real closely and it's not hard, you will see that there are lot's of people riding in different cars who choose to stand on the opposite platform, are they all DONKEY's too? Hmmmm, maybe they also feel that platform 11 is over crowded. Again this is a GO issue that they should resolve.
I think the comment that Wise old Al posted about going East on the 401 just sums him up. If you think about it, if the 401 is jammed you look for an alternative route, that is exactly what we choose to do by opting to wait on # 10.
If Karen or Al would like to come and have a real discussion in person, please stop by, you obvioulsy know where we sit,come on down and let's talk about this like adults. Siged...Enough already
I love the way all you guys go on about which track we all should stand on and why we shouldn't stand. Honestly does it really bother you that much that people go to the so called "wrong track"....u say there's a risk of trampling people getting off? Have you ever been on "wrong side" to witness that? I have been on both sides and I can actually say that the "wrong side" riders are actually more civilized then those on the "right track". They move to the side allow people to get off the train and they go onto the train once it's cleared in an orderly fashion. I have been trampled on the "right side" and have seen a guy fall into the tracks due to congestion on the "right side". You guys think it's so wrong...by all means, but don't you think you guys are being a bit ridiculous getting so upset. If you are so upset about it why not come right up to one of us and let us know exactly why it bothers you rather then cowardly hide behind this blog and take pictures of us like stalkers....I'm sure between both sides we can come up some good arguements....stop being children!!
I'm just jealous you guys get off work early enough to take the 4:30 train. I gotta wait around for the 5:20 and I always go on 11. I had some lady come up to me once after she got off the train telling me I was on the wrong platform. I asked you to show me a sign where it says I can't be on that platform. She couldn't because there isn't. Platform 12 is too crowded. GO should appreciate us for taking the initiative to spread out the crowds. And yew, I like to get on the train first. If go is reading this maybe they'll realize now they need more trains and more trains that run 15 mins apart.
I have an idea In The Pic,
Why don't you ask Go transit about your practice, They wont tell you to move cars, they will tell you "Oh those people cant read the boards and tell what track the train is arriving. though they can't really stop the practice I have a hard time believing they would not have a problem with it
Hey there Al, Have you ever seen the Go police get on the train, they also choose to get on the opposite platform. They have been on the platform while we are waiting for the train, they have never mentioned that we are on the wrong side. The invitation is there for you to come and discuss this like an adult and hopefully together we will come to a consensus that suits everyone, which will probably be, you wait on 11 and we will continue to wait on 10
Perhaps we should all wait on the opp platform. This way, it's even. It's only a matter of time before these donkeys are victims of monkey see, monkey do. Because yep, that platform is filling out and now that we know GO doesn't enforce the platforms, I feel okay now switching sides.
CJ, you should leave rehab and join me.
I think you all need rehab
I have a question . . . why would anyone be in a hurry to get home to Oshawa anyways??? :p
Hey what's wrong with Oshawa?...laughing... and who said we were rushing...lol
Oh, the many ways Donkeys rationalize not following the rules... too many here to count.
I sincerely doubt a face-to-face conversation would be carried out with any maturity or integrity, based on what I'm seeing in this thread. DDDs are a bunch of indignants. They're not going to get it, probably not ever.
Much more effective (at least from a venting perspective) and entertaining to call them out on this blog.
Keep it up CJ!
Okay i've been biting my tongue for this whole thing but honestly lswgirl13 - was there any reason for that comment?? This is where we live. We have a roof over our heads. Where the hell do you get off saying such a comment. Why because you have rich parents who spoiled you and now you have turned into a no good brat?
Dear Kathy, why are we indiginant? I don't think we are annoyed,angry,resentful, offended or any other definition of the word. We did not think that so many people would be so concerned about what other people do or what platform they choose to wait on. I would think we are inteligent people who obviously see the issues of waiting on an already over crowded platform.You are welcome to wait on platform 11 also, you don't even have to register anywhere. Funny I thought this is why we fought two world wars so people have the right to choose.
Oooooo Anon@9:48, oh yes, how did you know??? I grew up with servants, a driver at my disposal when I couldn't be bothered to drive myself in my Porsche, private schools, summers in the south of France and don't forget my trust fund! But yet I've worked for 25 years solely as a social experiment to see how the common man lives. Obviously sarcasm is not something you understand.
Oh gosh this is too funny. Thanks to Karen for bringing out this photo, thanks to CJ for posting it and BIG THANKS to the donkeys who come here just to whine about how they are right. Makes my day!
Svej.....who is whining? it's the idiots on platform 11 who appear to have the issues...OMG we're dealing with infants
I'm with you Svej! This has obviously struck a nerve with the donkeys.
And @Anon@10:03 - I'm sure that when WW's 1 and 2 were being fought that the troops were thinking "hey, I hope we bring down Hitler so future GO train commuters can stand on whatever platform they want"!!!
lswgirl13...as an ex serviceman I won't even dignify that comment with a respose.
@ ANON "Hey there Al, Have you ever seen the Go police get on the train, they also choose to get on the opposite platform"
Yes and the driver goes to the front of the train, since that is my preferred seat I will jump in with him next time, Employees don't count.
" they have never mentioned that we are on the wrong side"
cause they're just another group of people that don't care, as long as they get thier ticket quota.
I would love to have a sensible conversation about this but I dont even take that train, I leave later, unfortunaely. It's not like I am plotting all your slow timely deaths, It just irks me to see poeple doing things like that, it's equal to butting into my line at any store, jumping to the front of the line at canada's wonderland, costing me the last meatball sub the store has and makes you the last group to ride before the BAT breaks down, (do you have any idea how long that line is on a regilar basis?)
It just feels wrong, like your cheating, I dont hate you, I just dislike your methods. We all get on the train eventually, and I sit all day so I never sit on the go train, Even when there are seats, (not to mention what I may sit on/in) I have no issue with people standing whatsoever.
@Anon@10:21 - you just did and is that Cpl. Anon or Pvt. Anon???
Freedom to choose is one thing, but the donkeys choose to make up your own rules. How about not clogging up the platforms until your train comes up on the board and how about going to the platform that is shown on the board when it does come up???
@Anon 10:03am
Plenty of evidence in this thread of annoyance, anger, resentment, and offense taken by the Donkeys.
Methinks we have struck a nerve with you lot and I'm going to continue enjoying it.
Now I'm no ex-serviceman, but I didn't think wars were fought so that individuals could do whatever they choose. I think that's called "anarchy".
@anon 825 am
You guys were flagged as multiple abusers - loud talkers, door blockers and DDD's
There many DDD's and Yes they are also donkeys.
Define over crowded, a) there is absolutely no space left for you to wait on 11 or b) just too far from the doors if you had to wait on 11? I seriously doubt there is zero space for you on the platform.
If you think about it, if the 401 is jammed you look for an alternative route, Please do find an alternative route, you could take the TTC to Scarborough town, or a bus to York mills, even a taxi. But lining up on the other side of the track is not the same as finding a detour due to congested roads.
I do know where you sit and what train you take, but am unable to attend the summit due to the fact I work till 6:00 pm.
@anon 825 am
You guys were flagged as multiple abusers - loud talkers, door blockers and DDD's
There many DDD's and Yes they are also donkeys.
Define over crowded, a) there is absolutely no space left for you to wait on 11 or b) just too far from the doors if you had to wait on 11? I seriously doubt there is zero space for you on the platform.
If you think about it, if the 401 is jammed you look for an alternative route, Please do find an alternative route, you could take the TTC to Scarborough town, or a bus to York mills, even a taxi. But lining up on the other side of the track is not the same as finding a detour due to congested roads.
I do know where you sit and what train you take, but am unable to attend the summit due to the fact I work till 6:00 pm.
LOL @ Summit.
Re: Rehab. No Angela, I'll just behave and stay with my peeps on the "called" platform.
Re: Tracks. Guys, no one waits on a track and if you do, then dammit, you better be prepared to haul ass like that fat kid in Stand By Me
Re: "I was in a war, dammit". Much respect.
Re: Platform congestion. It's a real issue which is why GO asks using signs and using PAs that people wait until their platform is announced before heading upstairs but this is so backwards because the train hasn't arrived yet when the call is made and the platform still gets crowded.
Re: Confrontation. I believe that there have been confrontations over this topic and neither one was met with a diplomatic response
Re: Oshawa. I lived in a home in the Ritson Road and Hillcroft area for five years where houses can fetch up to $400K or more. Sadly, I sold mine for much less but I will defend Oshawa, it's got ghetto but it's got fab as well. Despite it's pockets of "rich" homes. It's still an affordable housing market and not a bad little city.
C.J. - you know the Oshawa comment I made was in jest, obviously I know it's an okay place.
I'm not backing down from the war comment. For that Anon to bring up WW's 1 and 2 was ridiculous. I can't stand it when people use the war argument to back them up on anything they believe in.
I totally agree with you on the platform congestion because, well, I said it in a couple of posts. If people would simply wait until their train is posted on the board and then proceed to the track (like they are requested to!!!) there would be no congestion. Simple.
Oooh Girl, I know. It's just for the others who think the place is the armpit of Ontario. I lived north of the crotch.
The minute you wrote GO employees, this post just dried up faster than me when I would have sex with my ex-boyfriend. What a jerk he was.
I bet you that was kind of the idea ... CJ plays a mean game.
I don't care if you are one of the Anon donkeys . . . that was great!!!
Here I was just refreshing the comments. I didn't realize that CJ had actually changed the post. So some of you may want to reload the actual page and not just the comment box. There's a new photo at the top and some comments.
I can't say for sure.
To date, I've never received email directly from a corporate issued address. The emails I've received have been from people using personal email addresses who claim to work for GO Transit.
This is the internet, folks. It's easy to bullshit people and I get email all the time from people claiming they do this and that or work here and there.
But, I'll humour people. I was asked to bump the post to make it easier to find for people being sent here by others who don't know how to cut and paste a direct link, or, just mentioned this post in passing in an elevator, etc. It's hard to tell someone verbally the direct URL so they just say, "google the crazy train".
At least, this is how it's been communicated to me.
The folks at 20 Bay St. must be having quite an entertaining lunch break...
Al said "It just irks me to see poeple doing things like that, it's equal to ... jumping to the front of the line at canada's wonderland".
That made me wonder - would it be okay just to stand on the side of the roller coaster where people get off? That way I can get my preferred seat and avoid the congestion on the other side, where everyone else is waiting?
I'd be embarrassed now to stand on platform 11 now but then again, I'd never go to Oshawa, maybe Ajax or Whitby but never Oshawa.
;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)
If we want to be technical with the rules both platforms should be empty. No one should be on any platform until it's posted on the boards.
Yes TT, I think that's been said more than a few times in this thread.
You're welcome.
I hear Karen is whiney little bitch.... Boo hoo people are doing things I don't want them to. Why don't you run and tell mommy and daddy. Your a tool but there will always be someone like you crying about something. I don't take the train often but if their not hurting anyone why get involved. Oh ya, it's because your a child who tattle tales If you don't get your own way. Get stuffed douchebag!!!
Al, it wouldn't hurt you to get laid!!!
If I waited until the track number was posted on the boards downstairs, I wouldn't get a seat. Besides, if I just missed one train, I'm not going all the way downstairs to wait for the next train to show up on the board and have to go back up the stairs.
Gotta say this thread has had me giggling all day. I love me a good comedy!
Thanks for the offer anon, but, I do alright, trust me. I dont need someone elses sloppy seconds, thanks.
I have to know where a comment like that comes from though, where did I come off as hurting for a shag?
Almost seems like something to say when you lose an argument.
Kinda like somone sayin, "Whateva"!!!
You can ask my wife, how badly I need to get laid, you putz.
*Counts down to one, fires a gun into the air*
"Aaaaaand they're off!
Anonymous Troll #1 takes the lead with namecalling, but wait, there's Anonymous Troll #2 coming up hard with a get laid joke, and Anonymous Troll #3 getting mad because they're losing the debate! It's neck and neck but who will be the champion of trolling anonymously on the interwebs?!"
*giggle* @Dan-1, 9:02pm - you're hilarious! Thanks for the early morning grins.
Honestly, this is ridiculous. Play by the rules, be kind to each other. Where do you think kids who bully learn their behaviour? From their effin' parents who think its okay to change the rules, bud in line, get to the front, entitled etc. There is nothing 'kind', 'generous', good citizenship modeled by parents.....its a bigger picture here! BE KIND TO EACH OTHER you donkeys...the kids are watching and our society will be worse in the future! BE KIND!
I want no more common sense being spouted off here!^
We need to hear from the self absorbed, me! me! me! people.
Right! Now where were we....ah yes triple D's please continue...you were saying that too many people are on the platform with you interfering with your need to obtain your seats together ahead of everyone else, and attempting to apply the thin gauze of a flimsy excuse under the name of safety to explain your antisocial behaviour...
No Al, you know the other person has lost the argument not when they said you need to get laid BUT when they called you a Nazi.
Question Bicky - if EVERYONE waited until the track came on the board for your train, would you still not get a seat???
Forget about Al being called a Nazi....I was called a tattle-tale! A TATTLE-TALE!!! I could barely function today. Devastating.
@lswgirl13: Most days I'm just making the train. So I reckon that I'd be bringing up the rear of the line heading up to the track. Unless of course, I learn to be a donkey and cut my way to the front, but that's not my nature.
There have been days when I get to the station, the platform number is not yet up but when I get upstairs to the train, it's full.
Just waiting for the day when I can kiss the commute good-bye!
Wait a minute,
who called me a Nazi?
Umder both sides making their comments, but with taking the 4:30 LSE sometimes, I am trying to understand where all of this is coming from.
First, with regards to the platforms, GO should really look at scheduling the platforms better, as they inform us for platform 13 for the 4:25 express eastbound train and then platform 12 for the 4:30 all stops eastbound train (which is the same platform), thus when the 4:25 train is delayed, it does make the platform very tight for both groups of passengers. Also, many of the individuals coming in from the west, wait for the doors to open onto platform 12, so they can jump on the express 4:25 train leaving on platform 13. If GO was thinking they would indicate that the 4:25 LSE train passengers should go to platform 13 and the passengers for the 4:30 LSE should go to platform 11, thus there would not be two trains' passengers going to the same platform and the passengers coming in from the train from the west can easily jump onto the express train if they want to, since the doors to platform 12 would be the exit doors now.
Also, I am not sure who you are getting your information from Karen, but when I have taken the 4:30 train (first car) on occassion, there usually is no one standing for the beginning of the trip until Rouge Hill at least. I will give you that sometimes it has gotten loud after Rouge Hill, but from my previous experiences, it is still not as loud as some of the other trains that I have catched. Also, most of the times, I have seen these people get off the train at Rouge Hill or Pickering and stand out of the way for people to exit or enter without being a disturbance to the other passengers.
Maybe, I have only been on this train when their behaviours have been not to their norm, or maybe this all starts back to you only hearing what you would like to and throwing this group that you pictured under the train, due to you having a personal issue with one of them and you are hoping that this will assist you in signally this one individual out by getting others to complain about the larger group.
Not Sure, and Don't Care of your real intentions on why you are fabricating some of the rubish that you are conveying!
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