
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Face Time Donkey

From: +1416803XXXX/TYPE=PLMN
Received: Oct 5, 2011 9:29 AM
Subject: no subject

Back in June I'm taking the 8:30LSE to union from whitby, sitting on the end seat of the downstairs three seater. This noisy ass couple gets on with Apple FaceTime blaring over the speaker. The lady (phone pictured) proceeds to wave the camera around so that her relations can see us sleepy and annoyed fellow passengers. I don't appreciate being on display for your your overseas family (assumption because she said good night to them), you "Face Time Donkey".

1 comment:

Squiggles said...

That seems to be reason enough to attempt to turn the phone off. Or loudly proclaim that you did not give permission to be broadcasted.