This is too easy...
This parking donkey at the Langstaff GO lot thought he was doing everything right when he lined his car up with the car in front of him. Too bad he didn't pay attention to where the lines were. Two spots gone - just like that (finger-snap).
That's ok. Arnold will take care of this.

Thanks Arnold. Now get back in my trunk.
Oh my god, Cindy. Too funny.
So happy u made time for a photoshop.
Whoah, Easy with the Cindy stuff. Please use my wannabe in a Full House moniker.
Not sure what's funny about pretending to blow up someone's car.
Not the website for you!
Surf away! Surf away!
Wasn't it D.J. (Donna Jo?) on Full House?
I think I may have to turn in my man card...
CJ, DJ, OJ, etc...
It's just what I prefer and it has nothing to do with Baywatch
ok, it may be a donkey parking job, but look at the lines (to the left of the donkey - the toyota) they aren't proper parking lanes, are they???
I don't care if the lines were on a 35 degree angle or how wonky they're painted on the ground. Who cares? I don't defend donkeyism on this site. All donkeys deserve the wrath of the Hulk, Arnold... Roseanne Barr.
Someone call the fire department!
And the Wambulance for the donkey when they have the emotional "this is worst than the Holocaust" moment.
This is pretty epic Photoshop
Thank you.
I work hard for the money.
Harder than Donna Summer?
Didn't we all have to demonstrate that we know how to park before we are issued our licences? And this is not even parallel parking! What a donkey! No hope for human race!!!
It's a JOKE you asshat lol
I'm not sure what ^ is referring to.
Anonymous is yelling and laughing at the voices.
♫ "She works hard for her money, and she's gonna make it last!" ♪
She's going to enjoy a hot, fresh Whopper Junior today at Burger King.
someone needs a 48" blindcane up their ass!
Sell the car, GET ON THE BUS!!
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