
Monday, November 7, 2011

And if you're hearing impaired?

The Question of the Day on Get on the GO's facebook page is "If GO was to have special audio announcements at train stations and bus terminals, which type of announcement would you like to hear most?"

Great question, but what if you're hearing impaired? Don't forget improved signage.


TomW said...

GO acts like "accessability" only covers those with mobilty impairments.

What I want to see is announcments which provide useful information, ("your train will arrive 10 minutes late on platform 2") not meaningless repetition of rules ("don't do the things you know you aren't allowed to do").

Anonymous said...

If you're deaf, you're only maybe 1% of the total ridership so why spend all that money for the 1%. I bet there are more blind riders than deaf riders and the deaf riders should be in the accessibility coach so they can read the CSA's lips. How hard is that? You know, hand over a card and then the CSA just makes sure to face the deaf person. I'm so sick of catering to the minority. It's gotta stop. More money is better spent on more trains.

FRED'S WIFE said...

Hard to tell if this is a troll or a legitimate whine.

Let's see, people who are deaf are entitled to all the same rights and privileges as you and this means communication delivered in a method accessible to them.

These people are protected under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Standards. GO must comply. Period.

Anonymous said...

I'd just love it if we could have all the announcements in English and French, ViaRail style - preferably with that crazy loud intercom setting some CSAs seem able to find. I'm fascinated to learn the French that describes our "door problems" this winter.

Anonymous said...

I'm all about airport announcements! Bring it.

And the second anonymous needs to learn the GO By-law, section 17, Para. 34. Those who are ignorantly stupid are not allowed to board any GO Transit bus or train.

TomW said...

Anonymous (4:23 PM): Services which benefit deaf people will be useful to most people as well.