date Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 5:59 PM
(no subject)
Dear CJ
Does that stand for Cunty Jerk? I'm sending you an email because you took it upon yourself to single out my wife in an article on your pathetic website.
Listen, you fucker, I totally believe in karma and one day you'll get yours and hopefully it involves someone pushing you in front of a GO train. You white trash pices of shit Oshawa people think you're above everyone else when I'm sure you grew up on welfare and then landed yourself a legal assistant job somewhere on Bay street so now you think you're hot shit and can cast jugdement on others. See I can judge you!!!!! I will be contacting GOOGLE through my lawyer and you can bet your ass your site will be shit down soon.
date Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 7:40 PM
re (no subject)
Hi Mark
My lawyer, Howard Bigfird, has carefully crafted a reply to you. I present it to you unedited. You have to excuse him, he has no thumbs, or fingers for that matter.
ed54kj98mkdel;km kolr09903pofdk;wdl jwddjdfkeriu2376236sagdkjlfgk059t5409 asqw23iu3409dflk ldfk0er9340238230 edewoi opde23-05-0rg;l sdkmwdijdfl psalqwo230 dslkjdf4r jdfkjhd9wwe0kdfpod0rt56hltplkty0gf98945ok56p[hg-0-w0e34 lkdfokdfg909-034okdkfdfg lkgoiio34905dkljd;led poeroper90rj4tpo4 psrierpe0orgport05945-0 weoiuiw3249efwdsfld'f;[rt60=-0-540retpoirel;kdfgp[rty-56=-0rwepokwkldfs;'lertp[retoi432kljef;ldfg[]ertkeio43598-typorglker';54-0erp perklrtkl23j2hukasdwd;loer-09fghfgokl;sfk pwellk4rp[ okfeoeDon't ask me what the hell that says, but I'm pretty sure there's a few choice words in there. He's pretty straight to the point. Have a great night. And remember, flossing is the first step in preventing gingivitis.

So who is his wife? I don't remember anyone being singled out recently.
And I absolutely love Howard's legal advice. Straight to the point.
Here's the thing. These people think I'm clairvoyant. I have no idea who he is referring to but I did see in my site logs a few 'mailto' links about the "Lady in Red"; the woman booking it to the train only to be taken out by a coffee mug. Other than that, I got nothin'.
Maybe it's the husband of the vulgar vomitter who uses Vim? And I hope he contacts Google - maybe they'll want to advertise here!
I'd hire Howard. He looks like he means business.
We need Inspector Gadget. You know that bitch would get to the bottom of this.
Karma means if you mention someone on a website, you get creamed by a train? Sounds like karma needs to start taking its anti-psychotic medication again.
One also notes the horrific abuse of the English language used by the person. One thinks the poor use of punctuation, grammar and tense means this particular "person" was educated in a how shall i put it.....shithouse area?
The great unwashed are so amusing!
Perhaps this "person" should scroll to the bottom and READ THE DISCLAIMER. And, get over him/herself.
i don't know why, but LOL, tears streaming down face, colleagues wondering what the hell is so funny.
I am having a stressful day, and took a breather to check out TCT....thank you very much! Feel much better now!
As a legal assistant I take great offence to this asshole's email. How you don't come back with a "Imma cut you" shows great restraint on your part, C.J.
I love when people threaten arbitrary legal action even though this blog has nothing illegal. No one is personally identified, all faces are always blurred, etc.
Oh and "cunty jerk," how old is this person, seriously. Most pathetic insult I've witnessed in a while.
Ya he's spot on. All you Oshawa,Ajax, and Pickering riders think your hot shit. Why don 't you guys drive to work. Welfare cases.
Anon, honey snookums. To take the train each month from Oshawa, Whitby, etc. would take the entire Welfare cheque, barely enough for room, nada por board. Why not vent your anger somewhere else?
Out of curiosity, CJ, are you able to turn the Anon option for commenting off? I would love to see some of the names these wonderful individuals (aka Trolls) come up with.
He's either got issues or his wife got him to write that.
Or maybe it was his wife writing it posing as him, and the husband couldn't be bothered to get up from watching sports on television. It does seem quite mean-spirited for a guy.
The plot thickens.
@Anon: If we all drove to work, the province would have to add about four lanes onto the 401, at YOUR expense.
I'am entitled to to say what I want,. Squiggles thats just as anon as anon . Loser
Well if this "site will be shit down soon" - I hope to hell there's a lot of toilet paper!!!
Really? Can't take a minute to spell check? As the saying goes: Surf away! Surf away!
This was the funniest thing I read all day.
Anon, you're also entitled to be as stupid as you like. And you're doing a pretty good job at it.
Remember people, don't feed the trolls. They'll go away if you ignore them.
This is just too funny for words..
Oh yes, just wait until GOOGLE hears about this! We'll be shit down all right.
@CJ: My immediate reaction to this post was, WTF is this guy talking about??? *smh*
Hey, ExGOnowTTC, before Karma starts taking its anti-psychotics I have a few people I would like to mention on the site!
If we all grew up welfare cases and then got jobs, isn't that something to be proud of?
As a fellow legal assistant, a big ol' F*CK YOU goes out to this woman's husband. I'm damn good at my job and I'd like to see just anybody do what I do. What a douche bag.
OmG!! Totally awesome post CJ!
Lmao@ contacting Google!! Funniest dumbass threat Ever!!!!
Maybe his wife is the headbanging hair whipper.
I'm with the fellow legal peeps. No one knows all the shit we have to do and put up with being a legal assistant. Just left a top Bay st firm last year because I thought if I stayed another 5 years I'd end up killing myself. So on to greener pastures I went and I can say I've been happy elsewhere since last July.
Definitely not an easy job. I wonder what this asshat does for a living. Clearly he has some time and anger on his hands...
He used the C-word **gasp**
I do actually know a white-trash legal assistant who is from Oshawa so there is at least one.
If some GO'ers would act like adults when they are on the train and not arrogant fucktards then I'm sure there'd be no mention of them on C.J.'s blog or in the Shout Outs. BTW, I wonder if anyone has threatened legal action against t.o.night???
Could it be the hair whipper? He sounds like he'd be married to a whipper!! Get it? Whipped???
I am in love with this website, you folks are my kind of people.
I need a new home lol
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