
Sunday, November 13, 2011

It's such a shame our friendship had to end

Dear Skin Man,

I know you would like it if I printed every single text exchange and I'm thinking about it ... I apologize in advance for the length of this dialogue.

I figure a Purple Rain reference is appropriate.

Also, if this text exchange was the plot for a John Hughes film (if he were still with us and making movies for this era), this is the song that would play while Ducky was staring at his iPhone, in the rain, while sitting crouched against the brick wall of a Starbucks after I rejected his Facebook friend request. I mean really, what did he expect?

Okay, I'll omit the headers in this text exchange based on requests that it's easier to follow the exchange without the phone numbers and date/time repeated. Your wish is my command.

I happened to be awake at 1:47 am when this text message came in because my daughter was up coughing up a lung. My replies are in green, bolded.

From: 1905436XXXX
To: 19054427423
November 13 2011 01:47 AM

I've just spent the last 4 hours or so reading your blog. How do you find the time?

I don't sleep.

Oh, you're there. Sorry.

Were you expecting I would have a text message answering service?

LOL no. Does such a thing even exist?

I suppose an auto responder feature would suffice.

Can't sleep?

No, kid is coughing up a lung.

Oh, hope he feels better. Don't you find it weird to just start typing with strangers?

No weirder than how you felt sending me a text.

I just figured it was the same as email.

It is. Texting is considered instant messaging.
Email is considered "Hey I have to write you a novel".

Ha ha ha. True.
So I read you're a big Prince fan.


Me too. I can't afford to go see him as the ticket prices are outrageous.

Well I don't smoke or play bingo so I just took the money I would have spent if I did those things and bought a ticket.

Well I do smoke and it's expensive.

I've heard.

Did you ever smoke?

A little in college if out with friends at a bar and there were daiquiris involved but I would pay for it in spades for hours after because of my asthma. As it stands now, just smelling cigarette smoke makes me feel like I'm choking.

That's a good thing then.

That I have asthma or that I don't smoke?

That you have something that makes it difficult to take up the habit.

I also think it's a disgusting habit so that trumps the asthma. However, I'm an expert in addiction so I can see how need trumps the risks. Smoke 'em if you got 'em.

LOL. How are you an expert in addiction?

I've had my fair share of health damaging dependencies.

Don't tell me you were addicted to cocaine!

The hell? Um. no.

Oh, I wouldn't have been surprised if you told me you were. Most people who are funny have trouble with nose candy.

Uh ... ok ...

It's true. Look at Chris Farley.

Dude, how did we go from the price of Prince tickets to Chris Farley? Or that I'm possibly addicted to blow?

LOL, ok. What row did you get?

Section 118. Can't remember the seat number or row but it's close.

Is it good?

Right beside the stage according to the seat chart.

Sounds great! What's your #1 Prince song? Purple Rain?

Actually no. It's "Take me with you". I used to drum the shit out of that song, especially the beginning and towards the end, in my dad's garage. I just love the whole arrangement. The strings and tamborine.

I can't say I know that one.

And you call yourself a fan ...

Hey just because I can't remember a song doesn't mean I'm not a fan.

Yes it does.

I'll go YouTube it right now.

You go right on ahead.

I'm listening to the song now. It's ok.

What?! How can you disrespect the song with just a "it's ok"?

I like his stuff more from the 90s.

Blasphemy! His entire song catalogue is righteous. You can't single out one particular era.

Well I like Madonna but I can't stand the stuff she's put out in the past 10 years.

You can't compare Madonna to Prince.

So there isn't a single Prince song you don't like?

I hate My Name is Prince. I also can't handle When Doves Cry.

WDC is a classic.

It is, doesn't mean I have to like it.

What bothers you about When Doves Cry?

The conga drums. There's also this repetitive piano beat. It's just two keys being pressed in double time. Drive me crazy. It shows up around the time the lyrics start with "Maybe I'm ... ". I can't listen to it.

Wow, that's pretty specific.

I also hate Do Me Baby. Song is bloody awful.

I thought you said his whole song catalogue was awesome.

I said it was righteous.

But then you also say there are songs you don't like.

I merely do not like the arrangement. The lyrics are okay. WDC has great lyrics. I hate the arrangement.

Interesting. You know, I feel like I know you now, especially after reading your blog and having this conversation.

Uh, I can't say I feel the same ...

Don't be creeped out. I'm decent.

I know you are but I've known my parents all my life and everyday there's something new I learn, like how my dad can't stand toasted whole wheat bread.

I'm serious! I mean I feel like you and I could be friends.

That's sweet ... and it's probably true....

But ...

But ... it's a bit much too soon.

Ouch. Harsh.

I take it you're a guy.

Yeah, so.

Here's the thing, the blog is a persona. Sure, I interject legit and true things about me or my life but generally, I keep a lot of things private. It's not that I don't want to meet new people. I love meeting new people but there is no way in hell you can tell if you'd like me as a friend from the way a website is produced or written.

Ok. Can we at least Facebook each other?

Dude, what part of personal don't you get? I'm not comfortable with that.

I would die 4 u.

Gett off.

Everybody Loves Me

Crazy You.


Hey, I can google a list of Prince songs too, you know. You can stop now.

I'm sorry I bothered you. I figured we could at least chat since I think you're hilarious but I will admit you really hurt my feelings.

Wait ... what? Because I won't give you access to my Facebook?

What's the big deal?

It's personal. I have to believe you're trustworthy and I can't make that kind of call after a 30 minute text exchange.

It's no different than giving out a phone number.

There's a huge difference between a phone number and link to a Facebook profile.

Guess I'm just nosey.
Well like I said, I'm sorry I texted you and I'm sorry I troubled you.

I get the impression this is where you expect me to change my mind?

You should feel bad for what you said.

Feel bad for what? We're just texting. And then you made it awkward.

I'm going now. I'll just stick with the website, ok?

Well ... sure ... wasn't that the plan all along?


Have a good night. Remember to brush your teeth in the morning!


Anonymous said...

You are a loser CJ. I also think your more nosey than this person. And why would you let every know bout this. Yea I was already up good one..loser

C.J. Smith said...

Know what?

Dave said...

A complete stranger hurt that you won't Facebook friend him?
Sorry, but it makes sense to me.
It's one thing to text someone to pay a compliment, it's crossing the line when there's an expectation that all of a sudden a fan would be elevated to such a personal relationship.

Let's say you could text Rick Mercer. Would you in turn expect him to give you access to his personal Facebook account?

C.J. Smith said...

Actually I do have some regular readers as Facebook friends. I'm up to 5 and this is after several months of communicating over email or even having met in person or spending time on BBM.

But just because someone is a Prince fan or thinks my site is humorous doesn't mean I'm willing to open this person to my life after merely writing back and forth with them for all of 30 minutes. Of the people I've connected with, I initiated the FB requests.

Plus, I don't know who the hell this person is. Could be anyone I've upset posing as someone else.

Anonymous said...

Your a loser. CJ

C.J. Smith said...

You need a lesson in grammar.
Hard to take you seriously.

Keep refreshing. I got all night.

Anonymous said...

Yea and your better than everybody , know your type loser. Yea mock my grammar. Get on the bus or train or whatever and be nosey and pick on people cause that's what you do.
Great waste of bandwidth on the net.

C.J. Smith said...

According to my site logs, you've spent that past 30 minutes wasting bandwidth on your Rogers connection on your Mac reading, so there must be something here you like.

Anyhoo, participation is voluntary. Feel free to surf away. I sure as heck didn't force you to read.

Why continue to waste your time in the company of a loser unless you feel there's a connection here?

Dave said...

Shoo troll. Don't bother us.

Anonymous said...

The troll sounds like an entitled foot rider. Do not engage these people, they find nothing funny in life. They laugh at nothing but spend time on a website that doesn't cater to them. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh WOW your a case cracker. I'll be here tomorrow and
See who you pick on. Oh let me guess your where up? Now we got Dave , leave us! Great another loser

Anonymous said...

I don't ride buses or trains like you welfare people.

C.J. Smith said...

Guess you have no idea how blog subscriptions work ... or metrics for that matter.

Awesome, I hope you come back everyday. I will make sure I have all kinds of content that irritates you and makes your eyeballs roll back in your head.

Like the Exorcist.

You know what, let's get to know each other better. Give me a link to your facebook profile.

C.J. Smith said...

Dammit, I knew it wasn't a legit troll.
Just some kid living in his mom's basement waiting for his ride to school in the morning in the family minivan.

Well that was fun. Smell ya later.

Anonymous said...

CJ, you're awesome with the flames.

Anonymous said...

No please tell me. How do blog subs work, you must be a computer hacker.

Anonymous said...

Oh WOW, What a heavy flame. Another loser....

Ken said...

Thought you handled that quite well actually. Perhaps the person just ahead of himself. Any follow up remorseful texts?

Anonymous said...

Hey ken your a loser.

Anonymous said...


purple rain said...

Ducky was way out of line asking for a Facebook hookup.

But it might be a good idea to revisit the fb page idea.

Lastly, I decree that henceforth all flammable trolling comments be rebutted with the phrase, "Imma cut u". That is all.

Squiggles said...

Once again the Trolls have arrived. Even with Anon I still think fondly back to PW. And the bitterness and hate that spewed from their comments and soul.

Anyhoodles, until the hate really got going, I figured Anon (the original) was the one texting. But after a few more comments, it seems like an extreme reaction from being a rejected facebook friend.

Carrie said...

I love how you allow yourself to be engaged in conversation. I can't believe this guy got all pissy because he couldn't facebook you. Your response to him was hilarious. Brush your teeth ... awesome. I need to use that next time someone I don't want to deal with anymore continues to bug me.

ExGOnowTTC said...

Do you think he sounds like a dove when he cried?

Skin Man said...

the longer the better!

I think one of the reasons I love the text exchanges, is that they end up in the most unexpected places. It's not that I don't like a story about a hair flipper, but you don't have to be the amazing kreskin to know how the story will end.

Keep em' coming

oh and 'imma cut you' - pure awesomeness!

Anonymous said...


Do you think he sounds like a dove when he cried?

No, but you do have to be cool to be his girl.

PW said...

What's wrong with you people. Here's some nice guy just asking a simple question and it was CJ who made it seem like it was inapproprite to ask. Don't you get random people or co-workers asking to Facebook. Do you say no? CJ is an idiot. She could have been polite and said she'd like to think about it. No wonder the guy got upset. Very childish.

FRED said...

imma cut you

purple rain said...

ROTFL ... dammit Fred. I couldn't get the page to stupid box to load fast enough.

Told y'all it's funny.

Anonymous said...

Don't any of you ass clowns work when you get to work?

FRED said...

I work at reading the Crazy Train so I feel less violent about my day. How about you PW? Couldn't type your name fast enough so you went the Anon route. Speaking of multiple personalities ...

purple rain said...

I work afternoons

Kelvin said...

There's no denying one thing. Prince can play the shit out of a guitar.

ExGOnowTTC said...

I'm busy at ass clown college.

It smells funny here.

Svej said...

Hahaha oh lord I'm dieing of laughter reading this convo. I love all you crazy train people.

Al said...

I wanna feed the trolls a warm glass of shut the hell up.