
Monday, November 7, 2011

More platform/parking lot 100+ metre dash stories

From Matt
Catching the train at Bramalea leaves me with very few “parking lot Olympic” or similar stories which would otherwise be available from waiting for a train to depart. I do take the 7:38 which starts at Bramalea, but where I get on the train, my view does not afford me prime real estate to see late commuters running the naked mile. I have seen several 6pm sprints which were quite memorable, mind you. My best “morning” story was when a girl (might have been 21 or 22 yrs old) had a seizure at the exact moment the train started dinging the “here I come!” warning bell. I’m talking she went from vertical, to horizontal taser-shakes inside of 0.5 seconds. Two good Samaritans were trying to help her, looking for a medic alert bracelet, etc. Someone jumped on the first available coach and pressed the alarm strip. Fortunately, the Go-stapo were checking fares and abandoned that endeavour to tend to the poor girl. I say fortunately, because I assume they have some sort of first-aid/CPR training. We then had to wait for the ambulance, which I found odd considering the girl wasn’t on the train (she was on the platform). Of course, the paramedics went to the wrong parking lot so we had to wait for them to drive all the way around to the other lot. This whole episode resulted in the train being delayed by 60 minutes. For something that happened on the platform. I can only assume she was all right.

From Melissa
I was late and running across the tundra that is the Whitby south lot, before the parking garage was built. All of a sudden my bra strap gave out and I had the one boob bounce and to my horror, the one boob slap sound effect (it was summer, I was in a tank top). So I clamped my hand to my breast and kept on running. I must have looked like I was having a heart attack because I held my boob the whole time I was on the train. Two people asked me if I was all right. Worst morning ever.

From Tyler
You know how people run from the trains especially at Oshawa to make a mad dash for their cars to be the first out of the lot? This guy was booking it and he didn't realize or paid attention to the fact that construction gates had been put at the end of the Oshawa platform and he ran right into one only to be bounced back and thrown flat on his ass. His glasses and laptop bag went flying. It didn't help that other people were running and this one dude actually hurdled over the guy instead of stopping and offering to help. I never did find the guy's glasses but he was happy his macbook was okay. People are f*cking insane!!!

From Sandra
I once vaulted over a Vespa that I didn't see parked as I rounded a corner of a car while running for the train at Pickering one morning. I landed hard on my knees and scraped my knees and ripped my pants. I don't run for trains anymore. People who do are just asking for trouble.

From Giovanni
Years ago I watched this guy run like hell for the train at Langstaff along what was a rural road in Thornhill before the 407. He hit a pot hole and went down like a pile of bricks and was nearly run over by a dumptruck. A whole bunch of us watched this unfold from the train and we actually did stand up collectively to see if we could see him get up. Eventually someone left the train and ran over to see if he was okay. Both those people missed the train.


DF said...

OmG those stories are hilarious. As good as funniest home videos! They built these new bike shelters at Ajax awhile back with all glass walls. I once saw a guy run right into the wall, bounce off and land on his ass. Too funny! I can't remember if they had the decal stickers on the glass at the time or not. But they do now!

lswgirl13 said...

Those are great stories!!! Love Melissa's!!! I'm surprised a "gentleman" didn't offer to assist you with the girls!!!

ExGOnowTTC said...

Brings back good memories of the Clarkson runners who quite often would slip, slide and wipe out during inclement weather. Good times!

diane said...

How come people don't have more stories?

Svej said...

Haha the best part of the commute is watching the runners try to catch the train. Also watching the runners getting off the train and going like crazy to get to their car.

Squiggles said...

Rouge Hill. In the morning. The runners are the best part of the morning when there is light. One woman is so famous for it that one CSA will hold the doors for her on occasion.

Could never figure out why the runners don't leave home 2 mins earlier.

C.J. Smith said...

Well, see, there's this thing called typing an email to me. That part has to be done first and then ta-da, more stories!

Shirker said...

I wonder if the employees at the stations ever watch the security cam footage and laugh.

BTW CJ, I like the idea of collecting readers' stories about a specific topic and then posting them all together. If you ever do a similar post about eating on the train, I've got a great yogurt story to share.

Anonymous said...

Please, she wrote all these stories herself. In fact, the reason why she has so much content about writing about something as boring as GO is because she creates the content and writes her own comments. Only 5 people read this site, including me who checks in to see what imaginary crap she's drummed up each day.

C.J. Smith said...

That's a great idea Shirker. Often, people write because something has inspired them so perhaps this will encourage more input if I pick a topic. I was surprised by the running for the train feedback. Of course, I didn't publish all the emails, just the ones that made me laugh out loud. No offense to anyone but I have to be selective or else, it becomes, um, what's the word? BOR-ing. Is that right?

C.J. Smith said...

LOL @ only 5 people. Amazerballs. Apparently I talk to myself using 7 different personalities, too.

Tim K. said...

The math doesn't even add up. I counted 8 personalities. If it's only 5, then anon needs to go back to senior kindergarten. Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200.

Squiggles said...

Huh. Apparently PW is now too lazy to even write that in the Name spot, let alone count.

As a personality (I have gotten over my snit) I enjoy the crap she writes and love that some of the comments (nice, well thought out comments) are attibuted to me.

driver said...

The runners are what make a train connection trip worth while taking. I have to wait 5 minutes after the train arrives and sometimes it's the best 5 minutes of my day.

Kathy said...

Oh man these stories are just hilarious.

@CJ if someone thought I was making this all up and still they came back daily to see "what crap I've drummed up", I'd be flattered. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

Erindale station is considered the worst. Take the 16:30 to 17:40 train departures and once you get to Erindale, people start running since there's only two pedestrian exits and only one vehicular exit. Its mind boggling to see women in high heel shoes/boots trying to run when their footwear wasn't designed for it.