How did I clue in you ask? Imma tell you.
When I started my vehicle last night, my usual station was nothing but static so I hit one of my radio preset buttons and was also greeted with a crappy signal. I drove home and mentioned it to my husband and we assumed maybe my radio was having electrical issues.
Due to a massive paving project going on behind my townhouse, all of the owners are forced to park out front, on the roadway in front of our homes. This morning, I threw open the drapes in my bedroom and looked down at my SUV and zeroed in on the roof line.
My antenna mast, which sticks out at a 45 degree angle near the back roof hatch, was missing.
Upon closer inspection, it appears the 10-inch rubber mast, had been unscrewed from the base. The hell!? I had radio reception yesterday morning so I know this happened sometime between 7am and 6:30pm.
This is so low. I can't even begin to describe how low and petty this is.

This is what was taken.

What you need to do is find another suv that looks just like yours, or the several that do, in the Oshawa lot and give each owner a print-out of this post and put it under their windshield wipers. Most likely it's someone who got their's ripped off by a carwash and took yours because they're too cheap to buy a new one.
My wife says Screw it, go pay it forward and take one off another person's car.
Stealing someone else's to replace her's is also low and petty.
first try a wreckers.
Dom’s Auto Parts Co. Ltd.
1604 Baseline Rd W.
Courtice, Ont, L1E 2S5
then check ebay for your model car i am sure you can find it cheaper,
At least it wasn't your catalytic convertor!
I drive a BMW. Windshield wipers are OEM. So some joker at the Whitby station helped himself to the set off my x5. Even better was it pissing cats and dogs the night it happened. Had to cab it home and arrange for wipers for the next day.
People that do this kind of stuff are lowlifes. But Al has a point, source it out through a wrecker as you did say the SUV is a lease. Save yourself a few bucks and the person who took yours will get his one day. (Most likely a dude, I can't see a woman going to this kind of trouble).
It's criminal what some dealers charge for parts. I have a Golf and when mine went missing, VW wanted over $50. Instead, I went to a Chrysler dealership and got one for a Sebring for only $5 (and it was a perfect fit).
Also you might want to use some Loctite - it will prevent future theft.
I lived in the CSSR for a time before the wall came down. It was common practice to remove your windshield wipers from your LADA and store them inside the car whenever you left it parked. Sad to think we have sunk to that level. Cars at Go lots are targeted for air bags too. They are there all day and no one is minding the store. Thanks again Go transit.
That definitely takes balls. And a step ladder.
It makes me glad I drive a POS. Ain't no one gonna steal anything off of that beast.
same here, I get my old junker just to get to and from the train.
Also b/c it is a small car, it is so deliscious to park beside some asshat with an expensive car that has tried to take up two spaces to protect thier vehicle. I am sure I've gotten a couple of scratches from those losers. But I don't care!
I think the words you used before, when someone else bitched about shit that goes down in the lot, were "sucky baby". Well whose a sucky baby now? Don't like it when people steal shit off your car, take the bus.
LADA? Really? I had a Skoda we used as a door stopper for the auto shop I used in school.
Last time I checked, stealing was against the law, whether a vehicle was parked in your driveway or at the GO station, but I guess the laws changed.
Also, why is it that people resort to bad language and name calling when they cannot come up with a proper argument?
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