This is a daily occurance on the LSE. People who don't get off until Oshawa block and crowd the doors/stairways after the train leaves Ajax, resulting in people looking to get off at Whitby being backed into the aisles and fighting through these idiots to get off the train.
All this so these donkeys can run to a car only to line up again? Does this really save time?
The Whitby folks should bring an airhorn to clear a path to the doors.
Truth be told, I have had to blaze a path through these yahoos to get off at Ajax sometimes.
This brings up a good question: why pay for a seat on the train, complain if they do not get one (I have heard some of them), yet opt to stand for the last half of the ride to be "first"?
Sqiggles, isn't it obvious? So they can be first of course. It means they win!
Win!?!!? win what? that is the question. if it were online, they would win internets, at a carnival fish or gigantic toys, but getting off the train? they win at looking foolish?
I have a colleague at work how patiently waited for the line to clear, only to realize at the last moment that no one was moving as they were lined up!
He rushed downstairs and fortunately has on the car with the CSA who had already closed the doors, but reopened them for him.
These people are a$$ hats!
I ride to Oshawa and feel for ppl who either never get a seat, or have to deal with this crap when getting off. We are not all the same....I promise!
get bike bell I hear it works for the dude running through the pathway
I can't stand these people.... what pisses me off even more is the people shove and elbow to get on the train first at Union only to get out of their seat at Pickering to get off at Oshawa...... WTF was the point of that? You cheated some poor person out of a seat who had to stand then you crowd them at the door too???? Eff them.....I refuse to stand to get off the train until it has come to a full and complete stop.....they can have that extra 10 second head start, it's all the same line to get out of the parking lot.
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