
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Angry GO bus rider hates Presto customers

I'm getting fed up with the bus passengers who rush to be the first to the doors to get off and then hold everybody up while they put down their bags to pull out this damn card! Bus drivers at the Bay St. station will remind passengers to buy a ticket inside rather than on the bus as it causes delays. But Presto? Nope. We'll sit here for another 10 min while the driver figures out how to load someone's card, or how to get it to work if the passenger didn't tap off last time.

I'm sooo looking forward to this gong show come January.


Squiggles said...

I can understand the anger with this. Most people either A) get on the bus or B) get off the bus at a proper station. Why can't they build in extra time either way to top up at the station. Or do so online? It is inconsiderate to the other passengers to make them late because of sheer laziness.

Dib said...

It happens with alarming regularity! Last night we had to wait because the dum-dum rider getting off didn't realize he had tapped twice because he was wearing ear buds. Personally, I would have let him go, but the driver had to take five minutes to get Dr. Music fixed up.

I love my paper pass.

Kathy said...

I'm with Dib - give me my paper pass any day.

Love the stock photo. She sure looks aaangry!

lsW Go-er said...

It's called the "the world revolves around me" syndrome and happens coffee shop lineups, supermarkets, TTC/GO station pay station kiosks, etc. Drives me f'n NUTs!!!.

Dan-1 said...

Except for the one time the bus system fudged something up, I have never had any problems with my Presto card in the 4 months I've been using it on the bus and train.

Just tap and go.

Of course, trying to use Presto's website is a whole different story...

Anonymous said...

that is one UGLY bitch....

TomW said...

You can top on the bus? Sweet!

trolleytoo said...

There should be a card reader on the platform so the driver can ask a slow searcher to tap off after they get off.