Amazing what people notice. They could be white shoes but yes, they look like socks. Dave H. thought maybe I could do some digital photography forensics on this to determine if she is wearing shoes. They're also not dressed for the weather, either. Sorry, Dave.
Those are definitely socks. I don't care about the jackets although they don't look like commuters.
CJ needs to doctor this photo to show what real GO customers look like!
As I was saying, anon.
These are definitely not real GO riders. I know this because they are all smiling!
My guess is no shoes because she can't afford them with the high cost of riding GO???
She's not wearing shoes because she put her dirty, wet shoes on the seat next to CJ. The rest is history....
The girl in questions, (Erica Hawkshaw) just told us shes wearing white shoes, her post says "..is so popular she's now being picked on by The Crazy Train Lady (www.thiscrazytrain.com). Really Cindy, OBVIOUSLY they're white shoes you idiot!"
that last part was Erica, NOT me. lol
Wow. Erica, that's real professional coming from a Metrolinx employee.
I was the one who had issues with your shoes and asked CJ to write about it. You need to get a grip.
And as for the anonymous troll, no wonder CJ deletes your comments. It helps us avoid stepping in shit.
Sorry, I missed the part where CJ called Erica an idiot for wearing white shoes. In fact, I read this almost as CJ was making fun of you Dave for even caring whether she had shoes on or not. Did you catch that?
I'm sure Erica didn't mean it with malice. I was just passing on what she said. kudos for her following TCT!
The photo is of the Media Spokespersons who do the live reports for CP24/radio/etc.
I'm not sure how I feel about Erica calling me an idiot but she's entitled to her opinion.
Thanks for clarifying the shoe debate. I am certain Dave will sleep better tonight. :)
Like a baby!
CJ, you should post our text exchange over the shoes.
The hell I missed?!
re: She's not wearing shoes because she put her dirty, wet shoes on the seat next to CJ. The rest is history.... Damn. Beat me to it.
Honestly, I thought they were socks, too.
At least Metrolinx thought to use real Metrolink employees. Kudos.
Poor CJ, I didn't think it was possible to hurt your feelings.
I don't think I'll ever recover.
Her jeans are too long for those 'shoes'. That is what is mostly causing the problem. I am 5'1" and a bit... I have learned to always get my pants hemmed - otherwise I just look shorter and messier.
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