
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

All your space ... are belong to me?

Who raises these donkeys?

And I'm sure those boots just hovered over the ground as she climbed aboard the train on this wet and rainy day.


Amy said...

Ever notice how these people hover into themselves so as to build a wall thinking that if no one can make eye contact with them what they're doing is fine? She knows she's pushing the rules of etiquette. She's just daring someone to question her sense of entitlement.

All those belongings could easily be in the space in front of her and on her lap. 4 seats to 1 person. Idiot.

Drumstick said...

If the train is empty, it doesn't really matter (except for the wet boots on the seat).

Oh, and're right about the non-eye contatct thing. People that do that haven't evolved beyond the age of 6. My kids try that on me when I catch them in the middle of something they know they aren't supposed to be doing. It's a dead giveaway!

Fred's wife said...

Keyword being empty.
Early morning rush hour? Not acceptable.

lswgirl13 said...

Yep, empty, who cares. But no feet on the seats should apply AT ALL TIMES!!! And take the dirty suitcase off the seat as well.

And there it is in the background! The sweater pant things for babies! What a ridiculous concept!

Squiggles said...

@lswgirl: Apparently the company is shilling "leggings" for babies. And there was some deal if ordered before Xmas.

It was the look of the kids face - trying to figure out what was on it - that drew my attention.

C.J. Smith said...

I will admit, it slightly irritates me to see "all your space" on an empty train but I just deal. You go on and spread out. I'll just pretend I don't see.

Anonymous said...

well cj according to you were not allowed to do anything on the train other than sit there. i'm surprised u dont take offence to people reading, sleeping or breathing.

foot riders unite!!!

Squiggles said...

It irritates me on an empty train, but not as badly as people who decide that the seat is an appropriate footrest.

And the reason it irritates me is because the train could get full (see weekends). You start out on an empty train and it is full by the time it gets to Union.

C.J. Smith said...


Come at me, bro. Imma Caps Lock you into next week.

Good lord.

Bicky said...

Well, hey, if she's tucked into herself and "sleeping", I hope someone would move her crap and sit themselves down. That would teach her.

Zjack said...


Excuse me... Can I sit there?
[point to seat with luggage]
Then when she grudgingly starts to move her luggage, quickly snag the comfy corner seat she is currently sitting in.

Anonymous said...

she was asked to move her stuff and said she couldn't so a lady politely told her she would do it for her since she would have to as more people got on any ways.. that cleared 2 seats. when someone asked her to move her feet and other bag she sloooooowwwwwly did it while the person stood waiting. she kindly gave the lady her feet had left dirt all over.

Anonymous said...

she kindly gave the lady THE SEAT her feet had left dirt all over

C.J. Smith said...


Drumstick said...

I would have said..."excuse me but you can sit in the filth you just left on that seat!" if wrong with some people.......

McDarver said...

There is a large contingent of people that take public transit who were born in barns. If in doubt, ask them.