Last week, on the train ride home, I overheard a group of men singing the praises of a burger bar/joint/place in Oshawa called "The Patty Shack".
All four proclaimed the burgers were the best they'd ever eaten and said the place offers a variety of toppings ranging from guacamole to caramelized onions. There were even rumblings of deep-fried pickles.
Say what?!
I also recalled a conversation I had with my friend Jill about this place. She was adamant I go.
So last night I rounded up the hubby and kid and we paid a visit to the Patty Shack, located at 24 King St. East in Oshawa, near Simcoe Street. Coincidentally, the Patty Shack is right next door to Chan's Garden Chinese restaurant which serves, in my opinion, the best damn Chinese food - ever. My husband and I have been ordering from Chan's for over 11 years. The food never disappoints.
At the Patty Shack, we were greeted by two enthusiastic and pleasant staff members. Our burgers were cooked to perfection. My husband and I both agreed these were the best burgers we'd ever had. The topping choices were a little over-whelming and often left me second guessing my selections. I ordered sweet potato fries as a side.
The fries were cooked perfectly and tasted incredible. For dipping, we were given "gardillic" sauce, an in-house made sauce which tastes like a combination of yogurt, dill, garlic and onion. My daughter, who usually dunks her french fries in ketchup only, could not get enough of the stuff. At one point, my daughter dropped her slider onto the floor. Dejected, she picked it up and stared at it with tears filling her eyes.
I brought it to the counter, and was ready to pay for another one, only to have the cook fire up another one, compliments of the house. Hey, these small things are what make customers loyal.
We'll be back.
I've only gone to Oshawa for hockey games, but now I have a new reason.
Gotta love paid advertisements disguised as a blog posts...
How do you know it was paid for Anon? Personally, I didn't get that impression.
I might check this place out. I head east of there once a month and if driving back it is a meal time, it might be a good choice.
THE HELL...????
Paid ads? So anytime anyone gives an opinion in a blog it can be deemd paid ads?
I highly doubt (no offence CJ) that a tiny litle burger place would reach out to CJ and pay her to blog about how good thier burgers are. Now maybe if she had some millions of readers (which I dont think she is even close) besides that, why would a small patty shack waste thier ad dollars on a small (relatively unknown {sorry CJ} blog?)
Now if it was walmart, or boston pizza, they might be able to justify paids ads to a blog, but again, not for this amount of subscribers.
Stupid ANON. Dont listen to her then and dont go by a burger from this place or contact them directly and see how much they are willing to pay you to boost thier sales, I bet you hear them laughing just before they introduce you to thier friend Tone. meathead.
I don't need to write about food for money.
Besides, there's all that money I make from GO Transit. Remember?!
Anyone with half a brain could see that on the Twitter feed CJ was chatting back and forth with this place yesterday where at no point nor did I read anything being communicated about money being exchanged for a review.
You're a twit, anon. Grow a Magnum PI moustache first before you spew such unfounded lies.
From Twitter
20h CJ Smith @ThisCrazyTrain
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@ThePattyShack You're welcome. I'll throw a shout out/review online after I sample your menu. I'm looking forward to trying ur burgers!
21h CJ Smith @ThisCrazyTrain
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@ThePattyShack Will be coming in to try ur burgers tonight after hearing some1 mention u on the #gotrain. Love what I read on urban spoon
Fred. It's ok. Really.
Thanks guys for the verbal beatdown. Some people...
Anon just pissed me off is all.
I know you wouldn't sell out on us.
You know what would be cool?
If the owner of this place, when he/she reads this (because I told him/her on Twitter) says, "Free burgers for everyone who rides the Crazy Train"! And then he gives me a secret code that I share with my 11 multiple personalities (you know who you are) and we all get a free burger.
That would be awesome because they really are very good.
At the very least, free deep-fried pickles. Or some of that gardillic sauce to take home.
Ba ha ha!
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@ThisCrazyTrain Hey, thank you! Your one meeeeelion dollars is in the duffle bag in the GO station locker, as discussed. ;-)
I'm coming to collect!!!
the patty shack is the best burgers i've ever eaten in all of durham. trust me, no one needs to pay anyone to tout their food. it speaks for itself.
I have been enjoying burgers for more than 40 years, and I can say without a doubt that the Patty Shack is unequalled - unless you like the type of burgers you find at McD's, Wendys, BK, etc. Freshly cooked with a taste that is unmatched. For a bit of spice try 7 pepper sauce. 9 Pepper or tombstone is only for the most adventurous. Oh - like potato chips? Order the Patty Potatoes. Dipped in the Gardillic they are THE BEST!
My wife loves the veggie burgers!
Say what you want but all of you GO train people need to take the train to Oshawa and see for yourself what the fuss is about!!!
Nice to see the Shack getting some recognition!!!
omigod. this website is awesome. i don't ride the go but i do eat patty shack burgers. these stories are hysterical. so glad i drive!
Okay, I'm going to have to try it. Maybe this weekend.
I used to think Wimpy's had a pretty good burger and then I tried the Patty Shack and it was love at first sight.
I don't always eat hamburgers. But when I do, I make sure they're from the Patty Shack.
^ Thanks for the graphic idea!
so would you say the Patty Shack is better then 5 guys??? We tried 5 guys out and it was one of the best burgers we have ever tried - - a little on the pricey side. As for your recommendation on Chan's - thanks!! Ever since our usual Chinese place changed owners the food went to the shits!! We have been trying to find a new one!!
I, personally, have not tried 5 Guys but I did receive an email from a woman who said Patty Shack is better than 5 Guys.
I'll go check them out. Now I'm curious!
5 Guys ain't bad, but I find their patties a bit on the greasy side. The one thing they do quite nicely are the toppings/extras - nothing over-the-top like guacamole and pineapple, but fresh jalapeno? Please sir, may I have some more.
The fries there aren't bad either - especially the cajun fries - but they are usually a bit overly-salted. I prefer chip wagon-style fries in any case.
Other than home-made burgers - half pork, half beef, no filler for the win! - the best burger place that I've found is Utopia on College in Toronto. I do plan on making a trip to Patty Shack soon however.
Home-made burgers are the best. As in made at home.
Fresh, fast, cheap, and made to order. And you don't have to drive.
hey scary, your cheap..
Ok, my sister and I checked out The Patty Shack today. They were really good burgers. I mentioned reading about them on this site and the guy was amazed at the reaction that was posted.
I'll have to go back. One, they were out of golden garlic bbq sauce and two, I need to try the JD and coke bbq sauce.
Good recommendation, CJ. I enjoy it!
Hands down - Five Guys!
I absolutely LOVE the Patty Shack burgers. We found this place about 1 1/2 years ago as we were walking downtown. What first caught our attention was the huge wheelchair symbol on the front door (my late sister was disabled). Their food is delicious and yes, they're fully wheelchair-accessible!!!!
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