
Monday, April 23, 2012

Your side-eye does not "scurr" me

17 year old girl, full of piss and vinegar, along with a dose of entitlement, stands inside bus shelter smoking from a pack of cigarettes she probably stole off her moms. Etched onto the shelter glass are the words "NO SMOKING".

Yeah, you so thug. It's Bomanville. There's no "streets". You don't even know what gangsta is while you're livin' in your 2000 square foot home. Bitch, please.

Agrily puffin' away in defiance after I ask you to exit the shelter and you respond with, "It's a free country". What you know about "free", little girl? You think this is why two world wars were fought? You haven't worked for anything in life yet.


I weep for the future.


Anonymous said...

Don't you wish you could fart at will? It's a free country.

C.J. Smith said...

I was told by a man named Ed in an email I should shove my finger down my ass, pull it out, sniff it and see how fast the smoker runs.

Shirker said...

Since it's a free country, you should have taken a photo.

C.J. Smith said...

Oh, we all know how the smokers like to argue about that one!

Anonymous said...

I've noticed this with some of the smokers I've encountered. They all same the same thing when confronted. It's a free country.

So it's okay I slap the cigarett outta your hand?

Squiggles said...

Once again, the sense of entitlement the smokers feel stuns me. It shouldn't, but tell them that this free country still has rules and legislation, both of which the self-entitled brat was breaking.

Anonymous said...

Invention required: Odourless, colourless chemical that when mixed with cigarette smoke causes said cigarette to taste like dog shit.

Anonymous said...

Next time be sure to have an air horn with you. When s/he tells you it's a free country, just say, "oh, right!" pull it out and let her rip. Now there's a WAKE UP call for you!

PS - maybe insert ear plugs for your own safety first.

chu said...

Ugh, as a former smoker myself, these types of twats piss me off to no end. Just because I wanted to give myself black lungs doesn't mean I should make everyone else suffer.

Maybe next time you can try a really dramatic asthma attack.

deepfish said...

Asthma attacks don't work. Take their pic. Post it. Send it to authorities . CC it to government. Keep doing it. Be an asshole. It works. Today the usual idjits were nowhere in evidence at Oakville GO at 6:15. Two Transit Safety Officers were... Dunno how long this will last, but every day is a victory... And if the idjits return when the Cops leave, I still have my camera...

Kathy said...

LOVE the airhorn idea, anon.

deepfish said...

This morning I spotted "el Presidente" (my nickname for the fat guy in the duo standing under my pics of the no smoking sign pair) and "Mr. Safety Guy" (the other guy) at the coffee shop inside the station. There were two Transit Safety uniformed patrollers standing outside in the clubhouse (i.e. under the original no smoking sign - there are soooo many others these days). Our two Smoking-Donkey heros looked oh so forlorn as they exited the station building, coffee (but no ciggies) in hand. I grinned, taking joy in their obvious discomfort. Does that make me a bad person? Oh hell, after five months of complaining about their polluting stench I don't CARE! Schadenfreude, is there nothing you cannot do? ROTFLMAO