
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Please print this puppy out and start handing it out to the donkeys who smoke on the platforms


ExGOnowTTC said...

I'd change the wording on the last bit. Rather than would you mind i would say i'm going to piss on your head without your consent.
And that's still not half as bad as cigarette smoke. My personal response is to ask what their address is. When they say why i say it's so i can go to their house and take a giant shit on their bed. As above, not half as disgusting as smoking nor as offensive.

Anonymous said...

ya I dont think so. with all the violence inthe city lately, you hand something like that out to some a-hole and you're liable to get a knife in the back or a bullet in the head. said...

With all due respect, Anonymous, when is the last time you heard of a gun or knife being pulled on a GO passenger or platform during regular weekly business travel?
GO passengers commuting for work, despite their nasty habits, aren't usually the type to pull a gun or a knife on someone who asks them to stop smoking, or put their feet down, or turn their music down, or stop breathing ...

ExGOnowTTC said...

Maybe the good commuters on the GO need to form their own gang. How does the G-Crew sound? WERD!

deepfish said...

This ignores the fact that buttsuckers seem oblivious to visual cues - they treat no smoking signs like notices for their own clubhouses after all...