Thursday, June 13, 2013

See this man, he's a priority, not you donkeys

Occasionally this man treks into Toronto to run errands.

Like everyone else, he likes to be home by supper.

I have learned that people on his train, able-bodied people who ride in the accessibility coach because "it's more roomy" (direct quote from an email from an entitled passenger) will advise him, with grand delusions, to take a later train so he can have room for his mobility scooter.

Holy baby Jeebus! Really? Who raised these clowns?

I received a text message from a CSA who told me, in exasperation, he finds he has to beg passengers to move to other coaches to free up space for disabled passengers. His pleas are often ignored.

I know there are many of you who feel accessibility is arbitrary, only determined by the time of day, amount of passengers on board or worse, feel disabled passengers should avoid rush hour trains all together. This makes me all kinds of hella mad. I mean MAD.

I'm not disabled but I have a co-worker who is. I have seen the disrespect she receives with my own eyes. She is not an entitled person. She moves slower than others. She can't stand for a long period of time as her disability can cause her to be a bit wobbly. She's such a kind person and it sickens me to witness how people treat her. She is not a second-class citizen. She is a home owner, tax payer and paying passenger. Give her a seat. Not because her disability entitles her to one but because it's the right thing to do.

These are the small sacrifices us able-bodied people should make.

I can ride a bike, ski, ice skate, drive a car and climb stairs like nobody's business. Others aren't so lucky. 

This isn't about pity, or who was on board first, or what time of day it is ... it's about respect, kindness towards others and compassion. My sister is mentally disabled. Don't think I don't know for one second what it's like to be judged or discriminated against or made to feel like a second-class citizen when I'm out with her.

I've said all I've had to say on this topic. The picture above speaks volumes about what's wrong with our society.

It's a damn shame.


  1. That is the biggest a**hole move I have ever heard of. I would advocate that there is no need to keep the accessibility car empty "in case" someone who needs it comes on board. But as soon as someone who needs it comes on board every passenger should be racing each other to get off their a** to give this person their spot.

    Seriously? Who raised these people? Your mother would be ashamed to even know you.

  2. I'm confused ...

    Am I the asshole?

    I'm not saying keep the accessibility coach empty. I'm implying these people need to move to another coach and stand. It won't kill them to do so.

  3. CJ. Pretty sure Cindy is saying the asshole is the fuckwad that said the guy should catch a later train.

  4. 1 - it appears as though seats were vacated and the seat-rest secured upright to give him room for his I seeing that correctly? If so, that's great.

    2 - When you say "Not because her disability entitles her" to a seat, I disagree. I think it absolutely should. People who can't stand for long periods should be entitled to a seat, that's what the Accessibility car was designed for - to provide seating to people with a disability. I have never in my commuting life voluntarily sat in that coach, although I have stood in it when a train got cancelled and two trips' worth of commuters were cramming into one train. But, I digress...

    Disabled passengers should get a seat, even if they get on the train 1 second before the doors close. Able-bodied passengers can move to the upper levels, move to another coach, stand, sit on stairs, sit on the floor, I don't care. People should be glad they're healthy and able-bodied and shamefully offer their seats to those who aren't.

  5. I do not sit in the accessibility car on the GO (Well, I did once, but it was 11am and escorting my mom home from dental surgery), but I will sit near the front of the bus going home. My reasoning is that I am one of the first ones off the bus, as well as there are some days I hurt to sit, let alone move. Anyways, despite this, I am ALWAYS the ONLY one to give up her seat if an elderly or infirm person comes onto the bus. I am starting to think that I am one of the last with any common decency left.

    What bothered me was there was a day a couple weeks ago where I was the only one to move and offer my seat to an elderly lady. Someone got off the bus before me, leaving a seat vacant and some (expletive deleted) snagged the seat without offering it to anyone else. Someone who had been standing for 3 stops and not just one like she was. Had I not gotten off, I would have torn her a new one.

    The gall of some people.

  6. See those people in the foreground? They were told to move out of that space. They were upset about it asking where they should go and I think someone said I was here first.

  7. Yes. The jerk who said that the individual should take another train is the a**hole.

    There were comments on the previous thread (with the golf clubs) that did indicate that there was no place for people with large items on the accessibility coaches. I just said as long as someone with acccessibility issues didn't need it -- have at using the space.

    But in this situation the priority would clearly be the individual on the scooter -- and the person who told them to take a different train needs their head bashed against a wall a few times...

  8. Last night on the 4:30 to Richmond Hill, the CSA made a separate announcement from their usual "This train departs in 3 minutes" and said (I'm paraphrasing here) "The accessibility coach has priority seating for people with disabilities or requiring special assistance. Please make room for these passengers." I don't think I've ever heard an announcement like that on the evening train before... kudos to that CSA!

  9. It is absolutely shameful to suggest that a person who requires a mobility device, or anyone with physical limitations, should "wait for a later train." Are you kidding me? It is a train for moving commuters and these people are commuting and pay their fare like everyone else. The fact that someone thought it was okay to suggest that certain people should ride at less busy times makes me angry.

    I agree with Cindy that keeping the car empty "just in case" is extreme, but yes, be mindful of your surroundings. If someone gets on who needs the seat, give them your seat. It's not a difficult concept.

    Having said that, I recently walked through six cars on the LSE line to try to find a seat during rush hour. I am nearly six months pregnant, and obviously so. I didn't want to ask anyone to give up their seat, because I'm also mindful of the fact that you can't always immediately or easily see that someone needs a seat. You don't know who is dealing with chronic pain issues, or has a "hidden" disability. But in six cars of people, I was huffed at for asking people to move on the stairs so I could get by, and to move in the aisles, so I could squeeze past. I know it's rush hour and we'd ALL like a seat, but come on. Giving up your seat is polite and the right thing to do, but these days, I'd almost settle for people just not being blatant a-holes.


  10. Its a case of common sense. I think its perfectly fine to use those seats but if someone with a disability requires it, then others must accommodate. IF those that need to move (to accommodate the disabled) are belligerent then that's their @#$@$ problem- GTFO. They deserve no sympathy. A no-brainer if you ask me.

    yours truly,

  11. Suggesting/hoping able-bodied passengers, who feel it's their right to camp out and enjoy the 'hospitality' coach (some twit told me that was the correct name of the assessibility coach) will vacate their seats for a disabled passenger, while hopeful in theory is very rarely experienced in practice. The 'quad-hogs' on the Barrie Line would rather fight, argue, verbally abuse and gang up on passengers with disabilities/mobility issues then hand over their earned 'turf'. Maybe the LSE is better mannered

  12. My sister used a wheelchair. We stopped at Rouge Hill on the way to the CNE a number of years ago and, of course, the accessibility car was crammed with families who had strollers and wagons. A lady with a power chair was trying to get a spot and another lady got mad when I asked people to move. She had the gall to tell me that her child's stroller was like a wheelchair because she couldn't yet walk. I told her that she had the capability of taking the baby out of the stroller and carrying everything upstairs. Wheelchair users can't do that!!!!


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