They have now resorted to standing in the doorway of the toilet and inside the bathroom, while the train is boarding and in motion, because, you know, it's not like anyone would need to use it!
4:53 LSE. Every day this week.
When this notorious group of donkeys arrive at Union, most of them are on the platform well before the train arrives and hop on, nary copping a seat, and stand the whole time right in the doorway and in front of the stairs. These donkeys should wait on the platform, let people board and then scurry like ants to candy when the train is ready to leave and then they stand wherever they want.
I don't get the door blocking. I really don't. And this new practice of using the bathroom as additional floor space is just plain gross and inconsiderate. Not only do we have to ask people to move their crap off seats when we board trains, now we have to ask people to move out of the bathroom so we can urinate! And like I said, when these donkeys board, there are seats available.
guess they can't resist the smell of public washrooms....
Ugh. So gross.
Wow what a bunch of morons. How rude!
I've been on the 4:25pm LSE all week and every damn day, as we approach Pickering (first stop), CSA Tim has had to ask people standing at the doors and in the stairwells for later stations to look over their shoulder and let people off the train. I think all those donkeys are for Ajax because when I get off in Whitby, there's no one at the doors.
If I'm a couple of minutes late getting to the train and there's donkeys in the way, I plow through them now. Too bad if they don't like it. I don't like going through a wall of people to get on the train.
And ewww to standing in the loo. That's nasty.
But there IS an available seat in their too right?
Beats standing I guess.
My husband used to see a guy who would head into the bathroom... and stay there for the entire trip. :p
I am usually on the 4:53 LSE, near the west end of the train, & thankfully, no stairwell sitters there. However, we used to sit a few cars east of the accessibility coach, and that was a different story. I don't mind if people sit on the steps while the train is moving, but when it's coming into the station, for Pete's sake GET UP & let people out. There were several times I nearly toppled down the stairs while trying to slide by someone hogging all the stair space while sitting & texting or playing games on their damned cellphone & not paying any attention to the people around them. :p
CJ/Cindy/Loser/Fatty/GET A LIFE
Signed DD#1
Did I strike a nerve?!!
Get off the train and wait til everyone is boarded you inconsiderate bum ... And get off my site. We don't like you.
(sticks out tongue)
Fuck you. You don't police the internet. Do we bother you? Nope.
You don't speak for everyone but you can't help keep your opinions to yourself and even better! POST PICTURES OF PEOPLE WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION ONLINE!!! One of these days you'll find your flat ass sprawled across the platform because someone punched you in your pig face!
I am pretty sure I speak for and represent 99% of GO's overall ridership when I say there is nothing you can say to me to ever justify your entitlement and your abusive personality.
I'm pretty sure you don't. You're hilarious. What, you think you're some almighty GO passenger lobbyist who all of a sudden has a finger on the issues like you're fucken Oprah or something. No. What you are, Cindy Smith is sad, self-loathing bitch with no self-esteem who decided one day to put up a site and make fun of people just getting to work. Why you give such a flying fuck is the part I scratch my head over. Who cares? Really? Sit in your seat. Sit your fat ass down. Ride the train and mind your own business or better yet, how about taking up a real cause like the fact that our government treats our war vets like dirt. How about that? Oh, I guess that wouldn't be as easy as snapping a couple of photos and making snarky comments and then pretend to be "fans" or readers and write comments so the six or seven people who do read your site have something to do with their sad little lives. Right? You're a legend in your own mine. One of these days, I swear, your pig face and your pig attitude is going to get you kicked onto your fat ass onto a platform. You just wait. In fact, maybe I'll be the first one to throw a punch.
Did you just insult my readership? And did you just threaten me with physical harm? Are you stu--- wait, I already know the answer to that.
I do think I am a GO Passenger Lobbyist. It's interesting that you wrote that. Very interesting, actually.
HA HA HA! Yeah, you're the fucking GO TRAIN OPRAH. And look at you publishing my comments all of a sudden... again, why do you care what anyone does on a train? As long as you get a seat WHO THE FUCK CARES.
Sharing public space requires respect, decency, courtesy and etiquette - things that your parents did not teach you or things you just chose not to care about. I can't make you care about it. I don't care that you care so much that I care. In fact you need to stop caring so much about me and ask yourself why you're so angry. Mentally, there is obviously something wrong with you. You're swearing. You're taunting. You're hostile. You've made threats. You've made accusations and you're spending a Saturday afternoon raging and making assumptions about someone you supposedly don't care about it. This is very concerning to me. I think you need to get yourself to a Humane Society immediately and start hugging some puppies.
You're not funny. I know what you're doing with this banal you don't bother me shit you're dishing out. Trying to martry yourself in front of your three fans. Oh look at me, I don't angry when people insult me. Whatever. I bet you just ate a whole cheeseburger because I've pissed you right off. Tell your husband to hide the chips. God forbid you put on a few pounds. LOL
Three fans? I thought you said I have six or seven.
I got all fucken day to do this. To quote you BRING IT.
Nope. We're done. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Wow, that was some anger. Typical of those without a valid defence of their behaviour. *smh*
On February 1, 2014 at 1:10 PM Anonydouche wrote "You're a legend in your own mine".
She sure is, and it's all GOLD.
Sorry Cj, couldn't resist. I promise to stop feeding.
It's okay. I laughed.
mike f., I saw that too and hoped it was a gold mine! or maybe a diamond mine.
Ha ha ha!
Anon...the reason we care so fucking much is because you are a rude incosiderate prick.
If I ever was about to not get on the train b/c you chose to stand in my way...or if I was ever about to miss my stop because you refused to move your fat pathetic ass out of the way, it would be you that would be flat out on the platform as I plow through you and the rest of the donkeys to make sure I don't miss my stop b/c of your incosiderate behaviour.
Here's a thought, get out of mommy's basement.....
Let's see how you like it. I'm going to take your picture for no reason and plaster it all over the Internet.
But... But my picture is already all over the internet. It's on my site. It's on Facebook. It's on LinkedIN. It's on Twitter. It's on the Toronto Star. I'm in Google. I think there's a Freshsco flyer even. I'm holding a tomato.
You're not funny. You're just pathetic.
Wow. The amount of butthurt over this photo is amazing. How about y'all just stop being toilet door donkeys and belligerent mouthpieces which is giving most of us a reason to really, really despise you.
Plus you guys really need some counseling for all that rage. It's not healthy.
Wow! I wasn't expecting all of that! So this anonymous obviously hasn't read the rest of your site where you repeatedly tell people that you don't need their permission to put their picture up.
Pretty sure she has more than 6 or 7 readers... And has the metrics to prove it!
It has been a very interesting day. I've battled the door donkeys before. In person and in email. I think there's even been a showdown in the comments before.
Typically I don't allow for this kind of feedback but then I'm accused of censorship but I have to ask, are these the kind of comments people want to read here day in and day out?
I don't think so.
Also, the door donkeys add nothing of value. Not one bit.
I am a real person anon, my name is Lori. I don't like DD's because it makes it impossible to get onto trains, see if seats are available, and climb stairs. If more people didn't care like you, the world would be a hell hole. If more people cared like CJ, myself, and a few others it'd be a beautiful, courteous place. It's not asking too much that the DD's sit down in those available seats especially if they got on at a stop so far from their own. It'd make it a lot easier for people to board and exit.
CJ you just have to stop publishing comments by the anon troll (who really should get a life, any life would do) and idiots like Sharon. Wonder why the troll is so fixated on you anyways? You think he looks for blogs where he can act like that because of mommy issues or what?
It causes the collective IQ of the commenters to drop below the acceptable level.
I may take that train one day just to bulldoze through that herd. I've even stopped saying excuse me to them because the a-holes should know better than to block doors for other passengers.
Anonydouche! Love it. Completely made working on a Sunday worth it.
Obviously the pic touched a nerve. I bet Anonydouche is in it and is unhappy about being called out of his/her bad behaviour.
Anyhoodles, depending on which cars this is happening in, I am thinking they are my fellow Ajax people. Trying to beat everyone else to the garage and the exit. The sad part is, they still get caught in the bottle neck at both the tunnel and then again at the elevators to the garage and then on the way out. So not worth it. But it will be that bad because I doubt the construction will ever end. It was supposed to be done by this Spring, but well, no. Not gonna happen.
George, I agree.
This is why I typically do not engage.
If anonydouche doesn't care or give an eff what was it doing here?
Keep up the good work C.J. - add me to the six or seven!
It's hilarious how anonydouche was telling people here to get lives while he has all day to throw juvenile insults and generally act like a spoiled asshole living on mom's allowance.
I'll bet if his mom knew how he acts he's lose his Xbox rights.
@Anonymous With Anger Issues:
Pictures of unacceptable behaviour in a public place = evidence.
Your anger is exceeded only by your ignorance. Here's some reading material for you:
Wow - interesting for you to publish the comments so we get s glimpse into what you face. AND it lets more of us respond to let them know that plenty of people (a vast majority) agree with you about their selfish behaviour. All their commenting (full of swearing and threats) does is prove their utter stupidity.
Wow not only are they discourteous they are beligerant, violent and rude!
Bet ya its one of the visible people in the photo making the nasty comments. It shows a lot about someones personality who makes personal attacks when they are caught for bad behaviour.
I think you touched a nerve and she realized how many people actually DO read your blog, probably embarrassed for being suck a douche.
I'm impressed anyone made it this far into the comments but yes, if I were to publish all the comments I get, this is what we'd be dealing with and who wants to read this every day? I know you don't.
While it's fun to read them once in a while, I wouldn't want to read them all the time. Besides, they don't deserve their 15 minutes Andy Warhol promised.
How childish - stooping so low to take jabs at someones physical appearance...SHAME. You're in a public space - not your house; be considerate and aware of your surroundings....GEEEZZZZ it's not rocket science :)
The gentleman that was using the washroom, was a non-regular. He was an older gentleman with a walker with wheels. I couldn't see him past the crowd, but my guess is he was sitting on it. Two people used the washroom that trip, he got out of the way instantly. It is not nice to pick on the disabled.
The regular people standing at the door are very nice people, I can attest to that. There are few of them and they get out of everyone's way. There were many non-regulars who got on this day, and it was towards the end of boarding time. I did witness the washroom being used, but that person (a non-regular) quickly left the washroom to let others use it. The regulars always get off the train at all the stops to give way to others. I don't know why a picture is take of nice regular people and why a nasty name was given to them.
I did not see at any point anyone with a walker using the bathroom last week as a means to ride the train when I witnessed the bathroom being used as additional floor space Friday, Wednesday and Tuesday.
I should clarify I did not take the photo. Someone who rides this train and knows I ride the same train took it and sent it as a picture via text message. I only have a number. No name.
I know this crowd only to know them as people I have to navigate through at boarding and they irritate me by how they always stand right near the stairwell lined up against the wall and door like they are in front of a firing squad.
I don't like having to slide my body parts across people. Maybe they don't mind. Maybe they don't care I have to make contact with them, but I do, so maybe the problem lies only with me and I guess I'll just have to deal.
I'm sure they are lovely people. Some of them are LOUD. Some of them are obnoxious.
I think the issue isn't the nice, regular door donkeys (the name isn't meant to be mean, it's attributed to behaviour which how I see it). I think the issue was people standing in the bathroom and I was the one who sent in the picture. I did not see a man with a walker. I saw a guy with wheelie bags who parked them in the bathroom. Then at one point, the door was purposedly opened and a vey abled bodied man in a blue coat stood in there while the other person stood with his back holding the door open.
Look, it's not cool when you're able bodied to use a space that designated for urinating and managing fecal matter.
I was grossed out by it and found it bothersome. If there was a man who needed to use it as a place for his walker and to rest, that's why GO created the accessibility cars. If he was running late for the train then the door donkeys should have moved into the aisle and made room for him.
There are too many assumptions being made. Assuming the man with the walker didn't choose to be in the washroom - was he interviewed to find out? Maybe that was an ideal spot for him - he clearly didn't move as quickly as most people! I think this websie invokes people to say the worst and to jump to conclusions. I don't worry about people standing inside the door of the washroom, but I do care if they don't move. The person who took the picture said he had wheelie bags, it also had a seat for resting. That is a walker. Too many negative and jumping-to-conclusion assumptions. It was a peaceful ride that day - keep it peaceful.
Still amazed anyone is reading this far...
And the rest of the week?!
You're trying to justify bad behaviour ---- that's not cool!!!
Those people could move and give him all the space he needs rather than pushing him into the bathroom and be surrounded by bacteria. Are you high?!!!
You're missing the point.
Who even thinks it's ok for a disabled person to have to stand in a gross bathroom? It's not. The people who stand near the opposing doors should have given him PRIORITY. I don't care what you say... I am not JUDGING a disabled person.
I can vouch that the regulars are nice people. The fact that they actually make room for you C.J. means they respect that you need room to board (no attempt at a fat joke here). It's truth. It's the ones who stand right of the doors that are open for boarding that deserve a kick in the teeth.
I am very shyly coming out of hiding. And praying I don't get my face eaten off for being here.
Hi! I'm the red headed door donkey from the (now edited) photo!
I just wanted to 1) thank J. Not all of us are douches. We do try to stand out of the way. I have never had anyone get upset with me, as I stand in the corner out of the way, I am move for people, exit the train at the stops. Not all of us are bad. But I wanted to clear up the assumptions..
No one was disabled. There was a mid 40s gentleman (a professor from a college) and a young university student on reading week. Both very able walking. Both carrying insane amounts of luggage. The young lad got on and my friends and I crowded into the corner to allow him room. A few more got on. Then the professor with all his bags. He sees there isn't a lot of room and opens the bathroom door and announces "good enough!" And pulls out this stool thing attached to his back pack (you know those little foldy seats?) And got comfy. We asked him if he was sure cause we could shove over more. And he said no, he was fine and to let him know if anyone had to use it. Twice he got out to let it be used.
I'm hoping that I won't get attacked here, but were not all bad. We aren't all assholes and it definitely did not happen like dipicted here in the comments. I don't know who dd#1 is but he ain't one of us. Were loud but wed never be that nasty.
Thank you CJ for the picture edit. :)
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