
Monday, February 3, 2014

It's like meeting an old friend when I see pictures like this. All hail the winter parking donkey!


Anonymous said...

maybe he forgot to put the brakes on and the car rolled out?

C.J. Smith said...

Do you mean put it into park?

I've never turned a car off while still in drive. How do you get out of the car and not notice it's rolling forward? Does that even happen?

Neutral is the only option I know where a car could roll on its own.

Anonymous said...

i know my dad did that once and he parked on a slope. got out of the car and went to the mall. by the time he got back, the car had rolled out of it's parked position. so i mean, it could be done if there's enough ice on it.

MATT said...

The only way you can remove the keys with an Automatic transmission is if it's in park. You can turn it off in Neutral, but can't take out the keys. Also, if your car ever stalls while it's moving, you can pop it into neutral and fire the engine again. But I digress.

If it's a manual transmission, it CAN roll if it's turned off but not put in gear (or parked with the hand brake).

C.J. Smith said...

Can I just believe this person parked like that on purpose? Because winter?

Anonymous said...

I wonder how these people dress themselves in the morning, never mind drive a vehicle and park it with a little snow on the ground. We must lose at least 100 spots a day in Whitby due to these jackasses.

Four Seasons said...

there goes presto fare problem again....

C.J. Smith said...

^ Thanks. I have contacted the journalist independently. For the record, here is what I wrote:

date: Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 10:42 AM
subject: I suspect your Presto story will swamp your in-box!

Hi Jack,
I've been paying an extra penny in fare for approximately one year. GO fares increased on Saturday so I am not sure if this "glitch" has been fixed. I've been told the upgrade performed at the beginning of January 2014 would correct the miscalculation. It didn't. My fare is to supposed to be $8.39 one way. Presto deducts $8.40. I was told it is because I take the bus. Really? So did Presto not factor in the ability to calculate fares for GO bus passengers connecting to trains. Apparently no. Like Brian Neary and despite my GO Transit celebrity status, I have been unable to get anyone at Presto, Metrolinx or GO Transit to explain why this happened (and may still be happening). "System glitch" is the overall catch-phrase.

I've been documenting the woes with Presto since its introduction to GO Transit passengers.

My stories are online on my site if you've got several cases of beer (or bags of tea) on hand and time to kill.

And the Presto Chronicles, now in its 25th Chapter:

Cindy (Cj) Smith

Four Seasons said...

Keep us updated if Jack replies.

Anonymous said...

Why wasn't this car ticketed or towed?

C.J. Smith said...

Let's just hold our rosaries real type and pray it was.

Anonymous said...

Don't hold your breath. :p We used to park at the Pickering lot (before parking garage construction began -- these days my husband drops me off & picks me up, so things may have changed -- or not!). Every day, we'd see illegally parked cars -- very often the same cars in the same illegal spots, day after day after day -- and it was VERY rare to see them ticketed, let alone towed away. I would guess we saw tickets on the windshields maybe once every few months. I always felt that if they regularly ticketed & towed, people might get the message -- but they know the odds are very good that they can get away with it.