That my friends, is ink. Ink from a pen from the woman beside me on the train, who shook her pen-marker which exploded and blobs of ink splattered onto my white, down-filled coat. A coat that is DRY CLEAN ONLY. A coat that I have dry-cleaned seven times this winter. A coat that is the worst color to wear in winter but I wear it because it was given to me. It's warm and I like it.
I also got a nice blob on my cheek. And get this, she got no ink on her! Not a speck.
And what is with the laughter? Nervous laughter? She laughed when she realized what happened. I DID NOT FIND IT FUNNY.
Sure, she's sorry. But the hell? Who the hell shakes a marker-like pen that is prone to leaking or exploding? She sat there examining it like she was Dexter or something. Gobsmacked, I left the quad to clean the ink off my face in the bathroom. I just left the stains on the coat alone.
An hour later and I'm still pissed. Put that puppy away. It won't help.
Those stains better not be permanent.
She made no offer to pay for dry cleaning. If it had been me and I had done this to someone, I would have been mortified. I would have asked where he or she worked and paid a visit with some cash to cover cleaning costs.
She's a regular. I see her from time to time, so hopefully she has a chance to think about this and make me an offer. I realize it wasn't deliberate but still ... at least offer to make it right!
Buy me a latte.
She didn't offer to pay for the dry cleaning? Man, that would be the first words out of my mouth, right after "I am so sorry!"
Nope. I just made an edit to mention that. I don't blog well when I'm raging.
I was sitting near the bathroom when I saw you come by. Black purse, too? Blonde or reddish blonde hair. Just making sure. So crazy. I see you almost every day!!!
Yes and yes. I probably see you everyday too. Say hi. I promise I won't bite.
wow, I can imagine it was nervous laughter but still I don't think that would have been my response. After profusely apologizing I would have made an offer to pay for dry cleaning. What is wrong with people not thinking? I really hope it comes out. I am familiar with the perils of wearing white, I too have a white down jacket I love.
She better see you again, apologize again, and offer to pay for the cleaning.
Otherwise, drop the dry-cleaning bill in her lap the next time you see her.
^ Will actually strike up a conversation when I see her again.
I will totally say hi. You are legend!
If that was me, I would have apprehended this individual until she paid for dry-cleaning costs.
^ I can't be aggressive like that. Accidents happen but her response was unexpected. I will give her the benefit of the doubt.
I would have been horrified. Fingers crossed for you but concerned... ink... very difficult to get out.
You shouldn't have sat so close to her. Serves you right for being an online Internet bully. KARMA.. ya bitch.
^ Online internet bully? Asking people to not put their feet on the seats in an Instagram comment is online bullying? Since when? Call the cops. Report it. Better yet, let's get the RCMP involved. Give them a shout. You have my number.
Odd. I have yet to figure out how NOT to sit close to someone on a ruch hour train.
Is that anon really as stupid as it seems or is this performance art?
No. I wish. I can't fit into one yet and I'm hearing they are too warm for the train. My coat is a BUM.
It was an accident. Get over yourself, deary. You've got quite the Generation Y sense of entitlement.
I'm not so sure about the accident part. Who shakes a liquid art marker? Also, I'm too old for Generation Y. Second, I'm told by my dry cleaner the coat is permanently ruined and can't be salvaged. So yeah, maybe you have no trouble swallowing $140 - $250 for a new down-filled coat but I'm not happy about it.
Thanks for writing.
Did anonymous just tell you to "get over yourself"?
I would love to sit next to anon and ruin their coat and see how they like it.
I'm betting they won't be happy but whatever, get over yourself, right?
"George said...
Odd. I have yet to figure out how NOT to sit close to someone on a rush hour train."
You become a GO train engineer or conductor, that's how. :p
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