
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Trunk Olympics - he has them

from: DH
to: "Cindy (Cj) Smith"
date: Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 8:41 AM
subject: ROGO Parking donkey

Broke the first rule of donkey parking: don't park so that your driver's door can be blocked. 

IMHO, I left him too much space.   I feel bad about that. 


Jules said...

I'm assuming the Corolla is the offending car, but it looks like the car to the right of the Corolla is also a Donkey. Why is it so hard for people to park?

Anonymous said...

Typical Corolla driver...brainless & unskilled.

Skin Man said...

That is always the hard part....punishing the original asshat! Not sure the Corolla was first.