
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

I'm busy but ... boot in the head guy is looking for cash

I have to make time for this email:

from: Bicky
to: CJ Smith
date: Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 10:36 AM
subject: I know you're busy as all get out but...

Remember the guy who got kicked in the head by the train conductor? He's baaaack!

He's Canadian (eesh!) and he's hoping to make a few bucks off the video.

I'm including the link to CTV News Toronto rather than the Star - no one can read their articles if they're over the limit.

I can't even make a few bucks from this blog ... then again, I could but I'm not greedy. Yet.


Squiggles said...

Well, at least he isn't suing the conductor.

But still: what an idiot.

April said...

Fantastic. Now every idiot wanting to make a little cash will be standing too close to the tracks waiting for their boot to the head.

April said...

@Squiggles. The conductor should be fired and/or sued . . . by every person with a brain for not kicking the brainless hard enough!

CanuckGirl said...

I think that conductor saved his life. Two very hard metal objects are sticking out right level to his head:

Al said...

I dont see what the problem is, his video went viral, you tube pays based on views. I cant wait for my golden lawsuit, maybe get hit by a mercedes, or burn my foot by dropping a hot coffe and sue for no handles on take away cups. who knows.

C.J. Smith said...

Yes. It's been discussed at great length on reddit that the engineer did Jarod a favor and saved his life.

Anonymous said...

0.002 cents per view. Average on Youtube.

mark p said...

so some idiot almost got hit by a train, some quick thinking crew member kicks him so that he didnt get run over and now wants to make money off his stupidity..... i hate todays society.....

George said...

Bicky if you need to read more articles from the Star, Sun or wherever a payeall is, simply clear the cookie and reload the site. Then Presto! (HAH!), you can start all over again from zero.

Bicky said...

@George, I usually hit the escape key before everything fully loads. Works most of the time. Thanks for the tip!

Michael Suddard said...

And he was on CBC Ottawa Morning on Tuesday....

Good grief....