
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Meanwhile, in Houston TX

There were children in the vehicle!

HOUSTON (AP) -- Police have released video showing an SUV being struck by a Houston passenger train after the driver went around crossing gates.
The light-rail train then dragged the vehicle before finally coming to a stop. Two adults and two children in the SUV were transported for treatment of injuries not considered life-threatening.
The accident happened last week. The Metro Transit Authority of Harris County released video footage Monday showing the SUV drive around the gates, then slow for other motorists traveling along a road parallel to the tracks. The train struck the SUV broadside on the passenger side.
It was left a mangled wreck, partially pinned under the front of the train.
Police say the driver will be cited for running a red light and other infractions.


Jules said...

You just can't fix stupid.

Anonymous said...

honestly how stupid do you have to be.....

Anonymous said...

Darwin award contender.....

April said...

It is the same vehicle that drives through the gates in the other direction as the lower. It has been a long time since I have been at a crossing like this, but my recollection is that the lights start flashing long before the gates lower. So he ran through that sucker TWICE.

He should be charged with endangering those children too.

Al said...

Good Eyes April,

I hadnt noticed the U-turn.

Anonymous said...

Charge the driver with 3x murder attempt, child endangering and highway traffic laws.
Take the kids away - for their safety - and put them in foster care.

Also ... this is why all street crossings need gates on both sides in both directions.

Jules said...

the driver needs to lose his rights as a parent. I can't even imagine the trauma the kids went through. Move #1 going through while the arms were lowering was stupid, the U-turn was just plain idiotic

Anonymous said...


This is a perfect example of Darwin's natural selection at work for people who choose to seal their own fate after performing dangerous maneuvers.

George said...

This situation is not a Darwin. The Darwin means you take yourself out of the gene pool in a fashion that proves you don't deserve to be in it.
This involves others who may have been taken out too through no fault of their own, so rather than being a Darwin contender this is just a case of someone being stupendously, dangerously and incredibly dumb.

Hope he loses the license and gets sued by the railway.

Anonymous said...


But nonetheless, people dictate their own fate as to whether they should survive or well......perish.

Kelly@CrueltyFreeCanada said...

I can't believe someone would do this on their own, let alone with kids in the vehicle. It just blows my mind. Should NOT be allowed to have kids.