Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Horrifying video that won't be embedded here

I first saw this video (link below) yesterday on a friend's Facebook feed. Then I was texted the link. Then I got a direct message on Twitter and finally, an email about it.

People really want me to share this video.

I will provide the link but not show the video directly on this site.

I won't give it away - watch for yourself. The video is gross but it's safe for work.


  1. I'm not about to judge anyone for picking and eating his or her skin.
    I think we've all done it but not on public transit.

  2. I haven't watched the video but what Fred said just made my skin crawl. I can honestly say I've never done that Fred.

  3. What is picked, prod or eaten in ones home is ones business...gross or otherwise.

    People treat a shared public space as if they owned the whole damn thing.

    Sit in your seat, have your quiet conversations (on the lower floor of course), keep your feet on the ground, eat train friendly snacks and leave the rest of us alone.

  4. It's because of Fred's comment that I *did* watch it. NO REGRETS. People are gross without even realizing it. I do feel bad for this woman when the video winds its way among her friends. If she was one of mine I would be thinking about all the times I ate in her home. Suddenly, anorexic.

  5. For some people, like those TLC folks, eating skin *is* a "friendly snack". Let's not knack natural recycling.

  6. "Friendly snack, natural recycling". Lol. Nice terminology .... Don't forget the booger eaters too. .. I forgot ... which category does that fall under? Lol.
    All of which is gross indeed.

  7. I'm trying to find the research I read one day about people who ingest their own mucous are actually healthier.

  8. I've seen way worse,,people eating their toe nails ugh

  9. All I had to read was "gross" and I decided not to view it. But to each their own. Just not in public.

  10. She is actually a really considerate person for not tossing her foot skin on the seat or floor. Compared to other gross things, this is minor.

    I've seen a guy on the subway digging for gooey boogers and wiping his finger on the seat backs. There is a guy on the subway who likes to tweeze his chin hairs, and a woman who can't stop herself from pulling gray hairs out of her head, examining them in her fingers for a couple seconds, and repeating after she tosses it on the floor. At least she uses purell when she finishes. The rest of the passengers get the pleasure of her hair blowing around on the train.

    Lots of people suffer from compulsions and mental illness.


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