From: | Elaine L | ||
to: | cj@thiscrazytrain.com | ||
date: | Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 6:42 PM | ||
subject: | Website reported to go transit and the police and my mp |
I came across your website looking for more information about presto cards. I was absolutely disgusted by what I have read and seen. Have you never heard of privacy?! Innocent people have their picture splashed all over the internet with no permission on your website. I mean, how appalling and embarrassing. I also am pretty sure go transit wouldn't appreciate you using their trains and buses so you can make some money.
I'm not sure who you think you are but you need to be stopped. And also, with all this talk about cyber bullying you're suggesting people have their feet or legs cut off by a chainsaw????? I am pretty sure that's being a threat and I am pretty sure that's all against the law. In fact, I think that you can't just threaten to harm people!
I have sent your website to all of the region police services, the OPP and I've also let my mp know since go transit is a provincial company. I really hope you get sued.
I didn't have the heart to tell that a federal politician could care less.
You make money using Go Transit's trains and buses?
Can you PLEASE share how?
She lost me on that one, Fred.
another person who doesn't know how to internet. I laughed so hard.
Oh, the poor kitty. For having to deal with the lunatics. Well, at least lunatics with agendas. I am now wondering if she could have thrown in any other buzz topics?
Apparently Elaine needs a crash course in the interwebs.
Probably a Grade 11 law student that thinks she knows how the law works!
You think this is a joke? What you're doing ruins peoples lives!!! http://mobile.nytimes.com/2015/02/15/magazine/how-one-stupid-tweet-ruined-justine-saccos-life.html?_r=0&referrer=
I got all your texts. Please don't bomb my site with comments. It's not fair to those with intelligent things to say.
The article you posted is interesting and I am sympathetic to those who chose to make tasteless jokes and then share them with the world, but were unable to stop the internet. That's a tough lesson to learn. But I don't make fun of people with AIDS, or black people, or our war dead, or people who died by a bomb during a marathon.
My chainsaw references are my inner thoughts of commuter rage. I am sane enough not to act on them. Of course, my outlook would change if one day someone might go all Texas chainsaw massacre on public transport somewhere in the world. I'd have to rethink my position on chainsaws because that would be pretty damn awkward.
Love her strongarm mindset.
Perhaps she should be the one in charge of any future Inquisitions.
Lady, nothing here is defamatory in any way. Plus every picture was taken in a public area in a legal manner. It is the people conducting themselves in the manners depicted that need to rethink their actions.
If you're going to embark on a mission of research, you'd better complete the task a little better than you have. So, for you, your MP (Did you mean MPP?), GO Transit, and all pertinent constabularies, I submit the following reading material:
1. http://ambientlight.ca/laws/
2. http://www.langleycameraclub.com/photographers-rights/
3. http://pencanada.ca/blog/public-photography-is-not-a-crime/
4. http://zvulony.ca/2014/articles/internet-law/legal-rights-in-a-photograph/
5. https://cippic.ca/en/FAQ/Photography_Law
Since I have contributed to this blog, too, (pro bono, BTW) please ensure you spell my name correctly should you decide to include me in your court action.
You were quite right in coming to This Crazy Train for PRESTO information. There is a wealth of knowledge here, especially in the Presto Chronicles. However, with your little tirade, I doubt very much anyone will give you the time of day, nor answer your questions regarding PRESTO.
I like how y'all round up the horses. Let's ride!
Hello CJ,
This has nothing to do with this woman but rather the one that you decided not to take any comments.
At first I was sympathetic about that women but after reading some more about her rant in the Metro newspaper I think she is over exaggerating the facts and just wanted her 15 minutes of game, I got a good laugh at what she said and I quote "you think you are protecting them by letting them east their shovel full of dirt and reducing antibiotics and eating organic? You aren't"
Clearly she must be working for the GMO's...lol
It's your blog but I think you should clarify where you stand on her comments and maybe allow a few reasonable and selected comments both pro and con... Just my 2 cents
Let's dissect this email, shall we??
"Have you never heard of privacy?!" [Um, what about the peeps who post their pics on Instagram and Twitter? No such thing as privacy anymore on the Interwebs.]
"Innocent people [...]" [Not so innocent if they're exhibiting bad behaviour.]
"I mean, how appalling and embarrassing." [Yes, it is... for them.]
"I also am pretty sure go transit wouldn't appreciate you using their trains and buses so you can make some money." [Um, is she assuming you get paid for this blog? Or are you secretly getting paid to ride the rails? And if so, how do I get in on that?]
"I have sent your website to all of the region police services, the OPP and I've also let my mp know since go transit is a provincial company." [Is she suggesting police allocate funds to stopping a free blog, rather than nab the real bad guys (thieves, murderers, etc.). As for MP, probably doesn't care but the MPP might learn a thing or two about what we commuters put up with on a daily basis.]
Thanks for the laughs. After the day I had, I sure needed that. Hi Wendel!
I don't have a stand on her comments. She's a grieving mother. Her anger comes from a dark place I don't understand or know.
Dare we tell her that my brother (who is a police officer) reads this site and thinks it's hilarious?
The Canadian Air Farce used to load up the Chicken Cannon and fired it at the IMAGE of someone suggested by viewers. They NEVER fired it at the person.
So, if you're going to take on someone over euphemisms and satire, may I suggest you include the CBC and the RCMP in your scope, because Elaine, it's either you go big, or you go home. I suggest the latter.
Elaine will probably accuse you of lying Ashley!
My daily smile and another instance that shows me that no matter what I do, think or say in the course of a day, there's always someone dumber.
My day is complete. Thanks Elaine my faith in human stupid is sustained.
Will this mean a letter from someone in authority will appear in my inbox? I hope so.
Hey Elaine, you do realise that this website wouldn't exist if people acted like considerate human beings, don't you? You know, not putting their feet up on the seats, yapping at the top of their lungs on their phone while on the train, smoking in no-smoking designated areas, etc! Perhaps you should be more concerned about the lack of common courtesy in our society that sadly, seems more and more common these day
Elaine - you need to call Scotland Yard, CSIS, the 2000 Flushes Guy, FBI, NSA, and the CIA! This needs to be stopped!!
In honour of Elaine, I voted "chainsaw" on this post.
I feel much better now.
2000 flushes guy^ HA!
THanks for the giggles everyone, Elaine, CJ, Wendle and the rest, (cue the Gilligan's Island music)!
PS. very cute picture!
PPS. your house always looks so crazy clean btw.
Hi Elaine
As the spokesman for a group of GO employees I can tell you that the fact this site exists has given us the mental by proxy outlet we needed in this job for a long time. We love the rage. We love that people get called out and showcased because we see it everyday - the bad behavior and disrespect. But we also appreciate knowing how people feel about the work we do - good and bad. Sure, we're not perfect, but listening to our customers in this forum has helped our employer, we assume, make system improvements. We appreciate your concerns but they are not a concern of ours.
PS. You really need to brush up on your legal knowledge.
My only complaint about this site is that there isn't more posts from nutjobs. Post them all! They make my world a happy place ;)
Me too!!!
The only problem is the VOLUME of comments - where half the time I can't tell if the person is seriously dialing up the crazy or just trolling.
It's difficult. It's 30 to 70 comments a day. Of those, maybe 7 or 9 get published (average).
As for the emails, same thing. Hard to tell if someone is just trolling or actually serious. This is where I have to analyze the email and measure the level of ignorance, rage, ignorance and indignation and make a call.
I used to spend all my train time doing this kind of metrics but decided I wasn't get enough me time. I used to think I could catch up weekends but I can't.
The answer is simple, this website is bigger than me. I keep hoping someone will come along and offer to buy it and then pay me a fee to maintain it -- as well as having two or more freelance bloggers be part of the editorial team.
But, in five years, that hasn't happen. I won't give it up but I really can't give it, and the whole wonderful crazy it generates, the full attention it deserves.
All this brought back the words of Vic Vaseline (Doctor Bundolo's Pandemonium Medicine Show), "You fight me, you fight my gang!"
(I told you I was old.)
The 25 comment rule never made sense to me but now I get it. But the question is, now that the comments are over the 25 comment limit, what happens to my comment?
Hey Curly,
Looks like today is your lucky day!
As a police officer I can say without a doubt nothing would be done with Elaine's report and would be closed with no further action. I think the bigger concern is why would someone looking for information on Presto click a site that is called thiscrazytrain.com. Any normal person for sure would realize it's a satirical site and nothing to do with Presto itself.
Hi CJ,
I started a blog a few years back that grew very quickly. Luckily I started it with 3 other bloggers so we were able to divvy up the work (editor, developer, contributor). It now runs quite smoothly with a contributor base of over 100 an editorial team and 2 developers. All working free of charge :)
If you need to take the site to the next level, and it sounds like you do, I'd suggest reaching out to readers and setting up a meeting to assess interest, like-mindedness and skill sets.
I would love to help as an anonymous contributor (I work for GO so my posts would be heavily scrutinized if I used a byline). I'm sure other readers could help with editorial work (you'd need a standard of course).
So, in summary - just let us know what you need!
^ Wow! That's amazing! Congratulations!
The thing is, I don't want to own it. I don't want to be the queen of a fiefdom - at least, not while fully employed.
I do have a four people who contribute content for me and make editorial suggestions. I'd be lost without these folks. And then there's the finding the time to get around to it.
Honestly, it does come down to time. I really need to do some hard thinking. What is working for me is I just publish on my own terms and I've learned not to care if I offend someone because I didn't publish a comment or an email or a photo. That's working well for me.
Well. I might as well take advantage. I do have a legitimate investigation open by GO Transit into this website. I have spent all week reviewing the content on this site, thousands of posts, pulling out the ones I am positive violate privacy laws as well as copyright and trademark infringement. I have noticed that Cindy J Smith of 74 McMann Crescent in Courtice Ontario does not seem to take these threats seriously. Well I do and I will make sure this website is removed and wiped from the Internet. You can all claim to be cops and lawyers but I have the financial means to pursue this. If you would like to join in my lawsuit email fightcrazytrain @gmail.com
Jesus Christ Elaine. You are a goddamn psycho. Get onto Twitter and you'll see how seriously GO Transit is investigating your lunatic delusion. But for christ sake, posting someone's home address? Just because you fucking looked up Smith in Courtice? How about you go pay CJ a visit and report back? Commenting may be unmoderated but your craziness needs to censored.
I never thought Elaine could get any dumber.
I'm always surprised how low the IQ bar can go.
Wiped from the Internet? Proves you are actually not only clueless, but totally stupid too. The internet is eternal. The WayBack machine will preserve almost everything.
I forgot all about Elaine until 20 minutes ago. She'll be so disappointed when it's not me who answers the door.
My god man I would love to have the ampint of free time this woman has to persue a vendetta ... I just wish maybe she would use her free time to find websites that truly violate peoples ptivacy like guys who creepshot girls in yoga pants or upskirt cameras on escalators rather than defending the rights of people who put their dirty feet on the seats of public transit .... so heres to here and the hopes that maybe on day all pur problems can be as small and trival and hers
Maybe Elaine has a crush on CJ.
That might explain the stalking. After all Smith is a very unusual name making it easy to find someone that way.
You wrote you take the bus at Trulls Road and Highway 2 in Courtice which means you live on a street near the stop. Don't underestimate me.
I think Elaine maybe needs to spend more time on match.com than on here ... shes seems angry and lonley and has alot of freetime ... well I'm sure the investigation into a website of people being dicks on a train will jump right ahead of police trival matters like kids wondering the streets at night and shootings cause peoples rights have been violated on here
HA! Who could ever underestimate Elaine?
After all what could be a more fulfilling role than pretending to go after a blogger with vague threats and claims of financial independence?
We all anxiously await the results of this stupendous effort.
Elaine's Canada 411 and Google maps skills make me weep.
The crazy is still running pretty close to the surface there Elaine.
Apparently all you googling never taught you about the internwebs. Or maybe you are still naive enough to not realize that whatever is posted to the interwebs lasts forever.
I'm waiting for the GO Transit police to come and pick me up.
Elaine must have her photo on this site somewhere. And probably got called out by people she knew for being such a transit donkey. And was horribly embarrassed she got caught being such a donkey. Only thing I can think of to make someone want to go on such a crazy vendetta.
PS... Elaine, my police officer brother still says you've got nothing.
Elaine needs therapy, I think. To harbour such resentment towards someone she doesn't know... wow.
There's a mental imbalance. She needs help. I hope she has family who loves her enough to help her.
Youre the one with the mental health issues honey. You can all make fun of me but the truth will come out. I have the evidence.
Ohh Elaine. GO is well aware of this website. GO employees read it all the time. Your investigative skills should have shown you that CJ interacts with several high ranking officials at GO via twitter. I think there are bigger issues out there that you could focus your rage on.
And to vouch for CJ and her lack of "mental health issues". I have emailed with her privately and have rode on the same train as her**, awesome all the time.
**side not to CJ I see you on the train but never want to bother you as its usually in the quiet zone :)
Elaine. Think for a moment t. Rationally, logically. In one week this site will be 5 years old (wow! Times flies).
Do you honestly believe that in those 5 years this site has NOT come to the attention of GO Transit? Plus, if they had found something offensive would they have not contacted CJ?
You need to check your agenda and realize it is futile.
Besides if the transit police won't tell/fine people who are misbehaving according to the bylaws, why would they take someone off the train who runs a blog?
Think and learn.
I'm going to get fightcrazytrain@gmail.com printed on a tshirt.
Honestly guys, I don't know what to think of this woman. I move between amusement and anxiety with her claims. If she's truly looney tunes, she needs help. If she's simply harassing me, it's best not to engage. It's hard not to when she's got crazy on speed dial.
Fire me off a text next time you see me. I'll introduce you to what I call quiet zone sign language.
Elaine is a persistent little troll isn't she?
She haz the evidunce!!!!
I want one of those tshirts. I'll add your profile picture with jail cell bars in front.
That is a fantastic concept! I think I should make that part of my new title graphic for the site!!!
My thoughts on Elaine is she is someone who knows Cindy personally and is harboring some serious resentment. Maybe it's someone she had a falling out with who has decided to attack Cindy using something close to her, such as this website, to threaten her with or make her feel scared that it could be compromised. The style of writing is vindictive. This is possibly someone jealous of Cindy, who resents she actually has success with something and quite possibly Elaine wishes she could do the same, or resents Cindy could do it better than her. Typically people with low self esteem will act out like this online, or engage in cyber stalking where the intent is to illicit fear or draw out a reaction so Elaine can force Cindy to act mean or display behaviour that is not typical of her online persona. The way to handle it is you can ignore it, or you can give the opposite reaction which is what Cindy is currently doing. By allowing Elaine to express her resentment or act out this story, it demonstrates to Elaine the problem lies with her. She'll eventually move on.
There is only one person I can think of who is capable of pulling a stunt like this but she doesn't know I've moved and would have written my last address not a wrong one. Unless she did it on purpose to make me think it wasn't her? If it is this person, understand I am well aware of something else you did on Facebook. I wouldn't put it past you to try something here but honestly, you need help. Serious professional help.
I didn't mean to come off so dramatic. My personal life has no place on this site. They must remain separate. I just want to believe the best in people. Trolls I can handle but to think someone would bait me to serve a personal vendetta is quite distressing. I've been second guessing this free for all commenting all night. Yes, I can delete comments but this Elaine shit is disturbing if it's true.
You got it :)
Cindy if you are feeling personally threatened by this Elaine nonsense (and really she is bat $#! T) then it is actually Elaine who could lelegally be charged with a crime. It's called cyber-bullying and it's real. If she really taking legitimate legal action then any lawyer worth their salt would have advised her not to engage and you would have received a notarized legal notice by now. She's a troll in it for her own $#its and giggles.
I have been readingyour blog at least 4 years now and love it. You are way classier than you need to be. Keep it going!
@Anon (12.15pm)
I was just thinking that. Elaine crossed the line when she posted an address. With all that she has written here, she is the one guilty of cyber-bullying.
Personally, I do think at the first she was a do-gooder, someone who without all the facts, thought she was in the right. However, once she found out there was no legal standing to her complaints and without a way to backtrack and keep her dignity, she has to keep going forward with her complaints. I have seen this play out in my extended family. Until legal action or the threat of leagl action is taken against her, she will keep coming back.
Well she won't be coming back to this page because I've closed off commenting and am monitoring her other activity. As much as I enjoyed some fun at her expense, she's clearly disturbed.
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