
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

What if you have a long torso?


Anonymous said...

Softer lighting? Uh oh...sounds like the perfect spot for some inappropriate public romance

Anonymous said...

Much more-more? Me write good.

outburst said...

Doesn't look like more leg room. I'll still be playing knee hockey with folks in the quads and then shaking out the kinks at my stop.
Still one armrest to fight over, and while I like the design concept of the headrests if they keep commuters from napping on my shoulder but I don't think they're gonna work like that in reality.

Jules said...

so who does have the right to the arm rest? I never use it, but it drives me nuts when someone takes up the whole arm rest and leans into my space. I had some woman actually put her bulky purse on the armrest.
Drives me nuts!

Anonymous said...

The arm rest magically turns into seat divider when two people sit beside one another. Unless I feel the elbow of the person next to me in my ribs. Then it's on.

Nora1968 said...

I'm not excited by the movable armrest, for the exact reason that Anonymous mentions - it's a much-needed seat divider that forces people who like to spread out and into their co-passengers' spaces from doing exactly that. An armrest has saved me from being literally pushed right off my seat into the aisle more than once. If someone decided they wanted more space and elected to raise it so that they could spread out, the person sharing that seat/bench has a big problem.

Squiggles said...

I hate headrests like that. I am too short, so the back of my head hits at the biggest part there and I end up with a crick in my neck.

And yes! Stationary arm rests please. As it is, those ones will not provide the needed butt dividers.