GO Transit Prepares for Fall Storm
Environment Canada has issued a “Special Weather Statement” for the region warning of an approaching fall storm including significant rainfall and strong wind gusts from Wednesday through to Thursday evening. The approaching storm, combined with the accelerated rate of leaf drop over the past few days, could create poor wheel traction for our trains due to slippery tracks, and slick road conditions for our buses.
GO Transit is planning and preparing for the storm to ensure customers get to their destinations safely. This includes:
· Issuing a “Weather Watch” to the organization to ensure all hands are on deck;
· Having our maintenance contractors proactively inspect our rail corridors, vehicles and equipment;
· Paying particular attention to flood-prone areas such as the Richmond Hill line;
· Developing a service recovery plan in advance;
· Providing regular updates to GO customers as the weather system advances.
· During extreme weather, stations will stay open until the last train for our customer’s comfort.
We will continue to monitor the storm and provide updates as they become available.
Suggestions for commuters:
· Prepare ahead and give yourself lots of travel time.
· Sign up for On The GO Alerts and download the GO app to ensure you get the latest updates.
· Check the gotransit.com website for service updates before heading out.
· Be especially mindful while travelling during heavy rain and wind—visibility may be significantly reduced for both you and other drivers.
· Be patient and stay safe.
I once slid into a ditch when visiting a friend who lived on a farm. I braked and started to slide. I was taken out by a pile of wet leaves. No damage. Just a bruised ego.
This is one of the many reasons I decided to work from home tomorrow. I just have no faith in their "developing a service recovery plan" abilities. In reality, I am surprised they don't have a big binder somewhere with a bunch of different back up plans.
The morning (5:47 am Lakeshore East from Oshawa) was uneventful (but then again, there was very little rain at that point).
Can't wait to see what hilarity ensues on the 4:25 pm home, though, after what they predict will be a full day of "weather warning"-level precipitation....
Raining cats and dogs in Oakville for the 6:55 train to Union.
Lots and lots of umbrellas on board and the occasional jerkwad who shakes the water off it inside the train. This isn't the same as the last flood because that rain came down in a short time and this rain will last most of the day, so I think the flood warnings are a bit overblown.
The creek beside my place that I can usually step over is about 10 feet wide now and probably growing. Good thing it's about 6 or so feet down in a ravine.
Nothing like fall rain.....
Other than a major overshoot of the platform at Union this morning, my train (5:53 from Whitby) was uneventful.
Going home might be another story.
re: "Prepare ahead and give yourself lots of travel time."
Is Matt Baynie still struggling to get Operations under control?
"Other than a major overshoot of the platform at Union this morning, my train (5:53 from Whitby) was uneventful."
Doesn't help that the idiots at GO decided to put up a useless railing along side the mini ramp at Union basically giving us half the space to stop at then we used to have, supposedly to help people with accessible needs to board the train. I've lost track of how many times they've shot themselves in the foot pulling crap like that. All to minutely improve one facet of the system while significantly impeding another. I don't even feel guilty anymore when I blow the stop, knowing I would of made it without those stupid railings in place.
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