
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Let's call the blogger!

Yesterday's post, where I asked people to tell me their meanest transit story, found its way on Reddit.

On there, this comment was written:

[–]local_jackassThe Peanut 0 points  
Her phone number [redacted] is listed clearly as a way to contact her. She also claims to be fluent in squirrel if you communicate in that language. Although, she has also clearly asked people to send her pics & texts. Odd, seeing as it's basically plastered all over her blog as if she's hungry for people to call/text her.
I have a sudden urge to sign her up to every bagel shop's email list in the city. I bet she's the type of self-important bitch that thinks every problem she has is the fault of others and she's being oppressed by every other person that she comes across.
If she's so offended by this person's comment, then maybe it is time that she considers a more healthy lifestyle. Not that it justifies this person's dickish comment, but if she was so proud of herself these things wouldn't prompt her to assault someone with her fucking bagel.
Edit - Go look at her twitter. She's complaining about crumbs on seats like it's ISIS coming to Toronto, takes creeper shots of whomever she feels has oppressed her and then shames them on her blog, and then thinks that people wearing sandals on the train in the summer are horrible because they could possibly spread foot odor.
Holy fuck. I wonder what her Tumblr account is.

Those who were curious decided to phone me. But let me just stop here for a second... "She also claims to be fluent in squirrel if you communicate in that language..." Seriously?


I'm legit. You don't need to call me because you can't believe someone would actually put a phone number online.

I missed one call but answered the second one.



So I called D Howard back.

D Howard didn't answer.

Why not, D Howard?

Don't you want to be friends? Share a bagel with me?


Yolanda B Cool said...

Go look at her twitter. She's complaining about crumbs on seats like it's ISIS coming to Toronto, takes creeper shots of whomever she feels has oppressed her and then shames them on her blog, and then thinks that people wearing sandals on the train in the summer are horrible because they could possibly spread foot odor.
Holy fuck. I wonder what her Tumblr account is.

I have never known you to complain about anyone wearing sandals. It's more of people not wearing shoes. And crumbs on a seat? Where? When?

This guy sounds obsessed with you.

C.J. Smith said...

Fingers crossed he asks me for my hand in marriage.

Tal Hartsfeld said...

If so many people weren't such asses, and if those-in-charge would make sincere and earnest efforts to actually solve problems, you would never have anything to complain about in the first place.
Plus, you wouldn't have to be taking all those snapshots of scofflaw strangers as "samples" of what those asses put everyone else through.
If this person can't logically figure out why you have to "be a jerk" yourself from time-to-time they can just "stuff it".

C.J. Smith said...

Love you Tal!