
Thursday, February 23, 2017

So this happened


Tal Hartsfeld said...

I can see criticizing the TTC itself, but slandering fellow passengers reeks of a "self-anointing" demeanor.

Anonymous said...

Just curious: How do we know that this is, in fact, a Metrolinx office? Seems to me, this could be a photograph of a white board at any location...

C.J. Smith said...

Metrolinx admitted it

gmcnewlook said...

lol kettle meet black, metrolinx is a cesspool...

Anonymous said...

As a TTC Rider I take GREAT offence to this. I shower DAILY. I use deodorant, and a SMALL amount of "Brut Musk" aftershave/cologne.
I also brush my teeth twice daily.

As Stephanie Tanner would say ... "HOW RUDE!"